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  • Relink Audio Tracks to Conform w/ Post House Standards

    I'm working on sound prep for a project. The post house requires all audio tracks to be AIFF with a 48 kHz sample rate. The editor forgot about this and used a bunch of audio tracks with different codecs and sample rates. Is there a way to relink to the audio tracks on the timeline with audio files...
    Posted to Media Composer: Get Started Fast (Forum) by msp2004 on Sat, Oct 16 2021
  • Edit audio gain on many clips at once

    I have a project with more than 20 audio tracks to raw mix. For every cut I'll just need to be able to select say 7 audio clips in timeline and set gain on -inf (not listening but keeping on timeline), select 10 clips and set gain to -16, select 3 clips and set gain to 0dB. Is there a fast way to...
    Posted to Avid Media Composer - PC (Forum) by teo3vs on Fri, Jul 15 2016
  • Re: Optimize Pro Tools: Set Default Plugins

    If there were any plug-ins in the Setup none under Default EQ and none Under Dynamics under none is none and under default selection is 1 EQ AIR KILL and none, protools choices in protools 10/11 bundled. one total choice. The program does nothing. ALL my pro tools FILES ARE NOT SONGS OR VIDEOS THEY WOUND...
    Posted to Avid Community Tips (Forum) by JimmyWestra on Sat, Dec 27 2014
  • How to produce a radio spot in Pro Tools

    How to Produce a Radio Spot in Pro tools. I am a professional sound engineer working at BKP Music Dubai for 10 years, Wanted to show a quick and easy way how to produce a radio ad/spot. Esspecially wanted to show how a side chain compressor comes in really handy...
    Posted to Avid Community Tutorials (Forum) by chrisatkinsonline on Wed, Mar 12 2014
  • Normalising audio

    Hi all I've got what may seem to be an obvious problem to most of you, but I'm stumped. I'm trying to normalise my audio, I'm doing what you're supposed to do but the problem is that when I adjust the peak level the audio previews at one level and then renders at a completely different...
    Posted to Media Composer: Get Started Fast (Forum) by Anton Bielecki on Tue, Oct 29 2013
  • Audio patching (output)

    Hi, I'm a video editor who has worked in sport and tv production for over 12 years and am switching from FCP to AVID. One of the things that I use a lot is the Audio Patching (Output routing) for international broadcasts (for example mixing down to channels 1&2 and patching atmos/music/non-language...
    Posted to Media Composer: Get Started Fast (Forum) by Cartster on Tue, Aug 13 2013
  • Digi 03 "Working with Reason"

    I have found a way to get the Digi 03 (Cour Audio) to work with reason. As you know when you install reason or fyuity loops you must install the ASIO Driver to have it working. Well i have not fully researched the Fruity Loops on mac However i used it once with a emulation called "Wine" and...
    Posted to Avid Community Tips (Forum) by RandyMarshall on Wed, Mar 27 2013
  • Request : grouping audio tracks

    Dealing with many audio tracks is not always easy. I'd like to be able to group tracks together, for exemple, if my live are from tracks 1 to 6, my music from 7 to 10, my sound design from 11 to 14 and the voice over on 15, being able to make "groupe A" (1 to 6 lives), "groupe B"...
  • Cannot move audio keyframes?

    I am using MC and I cannot move audio keyframes in any direction. The mouse pointer does not change to a hand with a pointing finger. I saw that somone who had the same problem found out that he needed to enable the smart tool to be able to adjust the audio keyframes but I have tried that without...
  • Adjusting Audio

    I am wondering if there is way to set peak dB level in a timeline? I am editing a doc and I have different narrations that are all at different levels. Is it possible to put all these narration audio clips into a timeline, and be able to adjust the levels to all hit the same peak level without having...
    Posted to Media Composer: Get Started Fast (Forum) by OK.edit84 on Wed, Aug 1 2012
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