Blimey Avid Link ... surely it's time for it to work. We just want to move up an MC version so we can do bin sharing.. either by upgrading the user licence or logging in with a different account so we can use an Ultimate licence.. Deactivaion always fails so we can't log in as a different user and hard to work out whether we can upgrade. How
We've tried several export types. We think some use less CPU and so don't seem to crash - like AVC seems possibly more reliable than H264. We had it happen with DNX though. Export to local and network storage the same issue. Fundementally nothing in our workflow has changed Most comments relate to PC hardware but we think definitely not as it's
We have reistalled a number of z8's from 2023.12 Win 10 to Win 11 and 2024.2 We get full system freezes which only a restart fixes usually with an export. We tried changing Nvidia BMD drivers, removing BMD altogether. The freeze usually happens after the CPU fans speed up. This is usually with an export of some sort. It isn't sequence dependent
Thank very much we are upfdating to 2023.12 NIge
We are finding with either of these enabled there are lots of BOB type errors and black viewers. As soon as streaming is switched off all is well again We find this is only try if the audio scrub is toggled on.. if it's off then it all works fine This didn;t seem to be the case on 2021.12.XX Win 10 PCs
We have occasionally seen sequences in bins be replaced with a version that says autocopy01 at the end of it. The original sequence isn't there any longer and we think sometimes the autocopy version doesn;t match the last good version that gets removed. We don't know why or when autocopy versions get generated Anyone have any insight. This is
This is a longstanding issue I wondered if anyone had found a workaround to it. Group clip in source monitor and toggle between the various clips in the group, the picture changes in the source window correctly but on the client monitor after one toggle it's stuck on one source.. so as you toggle in the source window nothing changes on the client
Is there a current Document that clarifies what specifically is available and not on third party hardware compared to Avid Hardware? We want to do to Audio punch in specifically and we think this isn;t possible apart from avid hardware... Or is it? Many thanks Nige
I just thought I'd chip in and add that we moved from 2018.12 x this year to 2021.12 x and we were very twitchy about it after all the discussions, however it has been pretty pain free and some of the features are really handy for us. Prores exports from a PC is a major big deal. ( resolve on a PC doesn't do this which is very annoying BTW)