An alternative way of quickly exporting a frame from your sequence without configuring a JPEG export is to print your composer window. Highlight your record monitor, then click CTRL+P, then save to PDF. Media Composer should then generate a PDF, I've attached an example (download in Microsoft Edge). You can configure the print settings to make the
Sorry for the slow response to this thread I have logged: MCCET-5702 Sluggish huddle (SRT) stream performance for a few seconds when play-trimming forwards which looks at these performance concerns. Ignore the fact that the bug mentions just a play-trim forward senario; there are other scenarios listed in the description where huddle starts to drag
Please send me an email, happy to jump on a call with you to troubleshoot
[quote user="AvidElad"] As for the Fill Replacment, I do hope a tutorial will be generated soon, until then the process is rather simple: [/quote] Thanks Elad, I just created this KB article: How to place a video inside text with the Avid Titler +
I highly recommend reading my KB #mce_temp_url# article: https://avidtech.my.salesforce-sites.com/pkb/articles/en_US/Knowledge/Troubleshooting-relink-No-Clips-Were-Relinked?retURL=%2Fpkb%2Farticles%2Fja%2FKnowledge%2FPro-Tools-11-HD11-upgrade-FAQ%3FretURL%3D%252Fpkb%252Farticles%252Fja%252Ffaq%252Fja423131%253Fpopup%253Dtrue%26popup%3Dtrue&popup
Hi there, Would you like to send me an email at your earliest convenience? Let's troubleshoot this.
[quote user="Craigo5000"] This is where is gets tricky. The A4000 is supported in those workstations but the other document doesn't have it listed, the latter looking like it's geared towards the direction Avid is taking Media Composer with ai integration etc judging by the spec and cost of those cards listed. [/quote] The other document
[quote user="Craigo5000"] Just checking Philip, are you sure your GPU is the A4000 as this isn't qualified according to the document? I'm now looking at RTX5000 (without the a! for offline use) and may have to plump for the 6000ada for our Online/Grade builds so that Resolve is also covered. Thanks [/quote] The A4000 is qualified in
[quote user="jaygon"] [quote user="Philip Kapadia"] We logged this as: MCCET-5709 5.1 Exports not correct with LFE and sometimes incorrect track ordering [/quote] Hello Philip, Wondering if there's any update on this? Or is there a way I can follow this Case Number you quoted? Thanks [/quote] It's a bug we logged about 7
This article may also help: Troubleshooting relink: No Clips Were Relinked in Media Composer