Greetings, Is there any way to have Pro Tools direcly link to the audio tracks that are embedded in video files? I'm ready to do sound work on my project, so before exporting my AAF for Pro Tools, I relinked all of the original High Quality boom/mic dialogue audio clips back into the Media Composer Sequence and I also relinked back in all of the
Thanks again Bruno, this worked perfectly!! Saved me probably at least 4 hours of work, took only maybe 30 minutes to get it right once I understand exactly what to and made sure I had a duplicate sequence, etc just in case of anything. I did a little testing and I was able to preserve the metadata [quote user="Bruno M"] Note that this will
Thanks Bruno, that worked just as you described!
Greetings, Is there any quick way to swap/replace a .DPX clip with an DNxHR HQX .MOV clip that has already been split up at various parts with effects on the split clips? I've been working with a 10 minuted linked .DPX comp in MC that I exported from After Effects and in my MC timeline I've split the .DPX comp at various points to in order to
Greetings, I'm familiar with selecting all the clips I want and then simply holding OPTION then left clicking and dragging the clips onto a new track at the exact start so that everything all clips are duplicated and in the matching time alignment, but is the a quicker way that doesnt require visual precision and/or snapping to be able to duplicate
Greetings, Not sure how this happened but I have a bunch of transcoded video clips that seem to be missing the associated camera audio/reference. Is there any way to automatically have MC be able to try to locate the associated transcoded audio? Thanks for any help on this :)
Ah ok, good to know. Sounds good, thanks for the info!!
Greetings, I had transcoded my 4K 24fps 10bit V-Log footage ( 100 Mbit/s x 1 byte/8bit = 12.5 MB/s) to DNxHR HQX ( 88.88 MB/s ). Is there any benefit gained for exporting the final cut in DNxHR 444? Thanks for any help on this :)
Hi, thanks I appreaciate the info regarding limitations of trying to do this in MC and I'll definitely keep in mind the Resolve workflow you mentioned for the future. For this project I'm coloring with Baselight directly in MC, which is why I wanted to bake in the reframing effects first and have the clips remain seperate so I would not have
Greetings, Is there a way to export a sequence into separate DNxHR HQX ( DNxHR High Quality 12 bit) clips based on spanned markers and the marker names? For reference, if I had thought ahead, I would have first done this sequence in After Effects and created sub-comps of each reframed clip so then I could batch export the sub-comps there, but I was