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  • Re: Building a new computer for Media Composer 5.5

    ... when it comes to HD material... I think it is more cost effective to work offline (or sometimes called working in proxy file format) ...then, convert edited downsized media to the resolution size you want a final project. This requires a lot of time consuming preparation of the media (pre and post editing)...but, makes the editing process much faster
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Sat, Aug 20 2011
  • Re: Building a new computer for Media Composer 5.5

    I use both a single processor and the HP Z800 dual... with a proper workflow... you can get equal efficiency and speed with either type of machine. However, when it comes to compositing, 3D work or using 2k or larger HD video source... the dual process with a RAID configuration will be your best option. In essense, when it comes to editing... a dual
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Sat, Aug 20 2011
  • Re: Re-linking transcoded AMA footage

    AMA is good enough to use on a regular basis... However, I have had one instance where the typical re-linking method did not work in a rather lengthy and complex edit project... and, from that point on, I went with a different work flow that doesn't use AMA linking. That being said, I was able to fix the unusual AMA linking problem. It was a rather
    Posted to Avid Media Composer - PC (Forum) by Joe M on Sat, Aug 20 2011
  • Re: Apple/FCPX Responds...kind of...

    Dis-enchanted FCPX respond - again... pretty funny.
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Wed, Aug 3 2011
  • Re: Final Cut Pro X and back to Avid...

    FYI... Lightworks is open source... Anyone can download the editing application here:
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Tue, Jul 5 2011
  • Re: FCP X

    [quote user="Brickwad"] Creative COW is certainly promoting FCPX, same as they always did for FCP. [/quote] Well that is because you can't use FCPX as a stand alone editing application... According to Apples official answer you need.. see here: You need Compressor 4, Automatic Duck and Motion 5 for
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Wed, Jun 29 2011
  • Re: When does commentary, criticism and parady of public figure become Copyright issue...

    [quote user="Doc Avid"] That piece on Vimeo apparently contained copyrighted music- it IS available on YouTube. [/quote] What u see on youtube is exactly what was on Vimeo (at least the last I looked - viewing from the USA)... and btw... copyright rules do not provide protection under certain situations... if copyright rules were absolute
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Tue, Jun 28 2011
  • Re: FCP X

    [quote user="NICKB"] [quote user="Joe M"] The real ace in the hole is - Price Point. If AVID could compete at the same price point as FCPX with MC6... then, the mass market AND high end market can be won by AVID [/quote] But Pro's dont want a product for the mass market they want a product for pro's! Avid is cheap enough
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Tue, Jun 28 2011
  • Re: FCP X

    The real ace in the hole is - Price Point. If AVID could compete at the same price point as FCPX with MC6... then, the mass market AND high end market can be won by AVID (or ADOBE) on Apples turf. In fact, AVID doesn't even have to meet the FCPX price point it could just come close and do some heavy damage to Apples plan and overnight take huge
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Tue, Jun 28 2011
  • When does commentary, criticism and parady of public figure become Copyright issue...

    Apparently when you criticize Apple's FCPX on Vimeo...removed from Vimeo Here is the same video on youtube... watch it while you can.... you decide I am not sure where Apple is getting it's PR recomendations... but, censering critism is NOT a good way to promote good public
    Posted to General Discussion & Off-Topic (Forum) by Joe M on Mon, Jun 27 2011
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