I've been using TradeKeys for many years to swap keys. Works great with Vista 64 and Win7 64 and it's very cheap. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,19645,00.asp
I've had a pair of the Dell 2209W monitors for about a year now and love them. For me, the 1680x1050 resolution is perfect - don't need reading glasses like I do with some of the very high resolution monitors. The price is reasonable too.
I totally agree. The auto-activation of the Smart Tool is a total pain in the ass! This function needs to be addressed immediately!
I too am experiencing exactly the same issue recording narration. In my setup, I have an APHEX preamp with a optical S/PDIF line running to the Nitris box. But I tested the problem running an analog line and an AES/EBU line as well with exactly the same results. I never had the problem before until I recently updated to MC5/Win 7. It must be either
After installing MC 5 and Win 7 Pro 64 bit, I continually receive the "Exception: StreamingPlayconsumer::ExecutePass TIMEOUT" error message after about 15 seconds when in the capture tool. If capture is started prior to the 15 second interval, everything works as normal. Specifically, it happens when capturing audio without deck control from
Almost sold out to FCP 8 years ago, but didn't. Almost sold 800 shares of Avid stock 4 years ago, at a huge loss , but didn't. After having owned nearly every MC system since 1992, this upgrade truly validates my decision to stick with the company I built a career around. GO AVID!
today I was playing back a sequence and without stopping playback I command-tabbed to another application... *and MC kept playing* ...this is something FCP can't do. The moment you click away from FCP everything stops! -lunelson It's a great feature which I've used many times to log rushes. Unfortunately it only works on the Mac. -jakeheat
I've been using Macro Toolswork by Pitrinec Software for several years and have numerous keyboard shortcuts for Media Composer that are impossible to map otherwise. The ones I use constantly are for changing my timeline views to expand specific audio tracks to show a very large waveform (for rubber-banding audio) and then back to what I call Normal
I've been using 4.0.2 since the day it was released and have not experience any of the "bugs" you have listed. Please provide your system specs in your profile so that we may help you. I have not seen any error messages regarding the NVIDIA driver, nor have I had any issues with settings not sticking with drive filtering, etc. The "nag"
When attempting to backup any Avid Bin file to our network server, I consistantly receive an error message that there is not enough space available on the server - when actually there is more than 2TB available. Specifically, this only happens with Avid Bin files - any other file transfers perfectly, every time. QuickTime files, graphic files, audio