Agreed, there are some bugs... BUT, I've been using 6.0 exclusively since the day it was released on my primary system (Nitris DX) and have not had any significant lost time. In fact, I've made a substantial amount of money editing exclusively with 6.0 over the past 75 days and have found it to be VERY STABLE. Other than some licensing issues
I recently upgraded to a new 12-core to run MC 6.0 and I haven't noticed any significant difference with rendering between 5.5 on an 8-core vs. 6.0 on a 12-core. BUT, I do see a HUGE difference with After Effects performance on the 12-core. Because I constantly bounce back and forth between AE and MC on the same machine, the improved performance
If you can't deactivate it on the previous computer, you will need to call Avid customer support at 800-800-2843.
Hi Bill, At first I thought the same thing about the window arrangement in MC6. But after experimenting with Workspaces and Bin Layout, the new interface really can be completely customized and all windows and bin arrangements snap perfectly into exactly the same layouts as saved. It's a bit confusing at first, but Workspaces and Bin Layouts work
Thank goodness, I'm not going crazy... I just moved my Nitris system from an HP8600 to a new Mac Pro 12-core and spent the last couple hours trying to figure out if the enter key on the numeric keypad on Macs always performed this way or if it was something in my setup. I really, really miss not have an enter key that functions properly. Hopefully
I'm having the same problem. I contacted Marianna and received a message from her to contact support. Tech support is currently looking into a .pp2 file they requested that I send them. I haven't heard back yet (just since yesterday) but hopefully they'll figure out a fix. I followed exactly the procedure support recommended: uninstall 6
Hi Michael, All P2 media is linked via AMA volume and yes, both the video and 4 channels of audio are all online. I've just done another test with a small bin of P2 clips that were just shot today - about 10 minutes of material - with the same results.
Any suggestions as to why the P2 media is not being indexed?
[quote user="MichaelP"] Some things to look at: - Delete the SearchData folder located inside the Avid project folder. This will force the creation of a new SearchData folder and a rescan of on-line audio media. This may take a while depending on how much on-line audio media is present so plan accordingly. Did this to all project folders
I appreciate all the tips Michael. I will try everything you've mentioned as soon as possible this evening and report back. Thanks, Jack