Your problems with AMA linking have been around pretty much since AMA was first introduced... At a results, I don't use AMA for any complicated and/or lengthy edit project (...AMA is OK for simiple and short editing projects). The old school approach of converting to a common editing codec then edit is far more reliable. Maybe in the next coupe
http://community.avid.com/forums/p/88785/587728.aspx#587728 see if this link helps Joe
Not really... this thread is more about what to do when the option to relink does not work ....
I think we have some terminology issues... Transcoding to a DNxHD format and AMA linking are duplication of efforts... you would be better off using one or the other exclusively. Importing in my mind and in AVID would not be related to AMA linking... this is the purpose of AMA lilnking - it is intended to eliminate the need for "importing"
The work flow you have is always going to create the problem you are experiencing... changing drives is going to break links to AMA. If the current workflow is the only option you have to edit your work... I would recommend you simply not use AMA linking and convert the files to a common DNxHD file format (or any other file format that might meet your
if i read your post correctly... the problem I see is that you moved your files after you linked them via AMA. You should establish a single location for your AMA linked video files and not move them. As for recovery of lost AMA links... please describe what you have attempted in detail. It should be a rather simple relinking process... if not, there
As for stability and handling of non-AVID codecs I have had no problems... in fact, I almost exclusively use a non-AVID codec for all my many projects (i.e., Cineform). Bottom line, AVID is very stable on most platforms. I don't think AVID would be around in the professional world today if it was considered an unstable working application. In fact
Here is a short video that shows the idea of working offline... the only thing I would do differ is create a new bin to place the low rez versions of the original media. http://www.vimeo.com/20557784 You also might note I start with Cineform media source instead of the original H264... that is because this format is MUCH more user stable/friendly between
In general, my workflow is to convert my original media source to a low resolution format...then, edit as a low resolution media format. Then, render out in what ever format I want as the final resolution format. In MC language this is called editing offline. This requires much more pre and post editing time consumption... but, the actual editing process
Camillo... where did you get that case?