The Newsroom

Welcome to the Broadcast Newsroom, the online virtual user group specifically for the Broadcast community.  This new group is “the place” to go for questions, answers and discussions pertaining to Broadcast workflow, technology, and the industry.  Whether you are a General Manager, Chief Engineer, IT Manager, Web Producer, Photo Journalist, or Editor you will find many of the discussions relevant to you and your career.  Here is the place to address issues such as transition to digital, creating new revenue streams, reducing costs, automating workflow, asset management, archiving, and various delivery formats to mention a few. Come on in and start discussions.

Most Recent Content

  • Equipment Refresh for Stations? Part 2....

    Loan Vs. Lease A lease typically refers to an arrangement where one party who owns or controls equipment, called the lessor, transfers possession and use of that equipment for a period of time to another party, called the lessee, in exchange for the payment by the lessee to lessor of periodic rent (i.e., monthly, quarterly or semi-annually). A loan...
    Posted to The Newsroom (Beta) (Weblog) by Jeff Cohen at Avid on Thu, Oct 8 2009
  • Equipment Refresh for Stations?

    In these unusual economic times, lots of Chief Engineers at local TV stations are going through the annual budget submission process, just like they have in the past. Only thing is, this time around, the budget approvals may not be coming back from corporate the way they used to. Many stations are either living with the equipment complement they have...
    Posted to The Newsroom (Beta) (Weblog) by Jeff Cohen at Avid on Fri, Sep 25 2009
  • Re: Read news while waiting for Avid to render...

    Well as an Old School Newshound I would have to say no. There are plenty of other things to do while an effect is rendering. You can review your script, screen shots through your laptop in the database and countless others. Unless the RSS is giving you information that's helping you meet your deadline I would say it's a distraction that will...
    Posted to The Newsroom (Beta) (Forum) by dfeltonaco on Mon, Dec 29 2008
  • Re: Back Pack Journalists

    Larry, we did a story on the videographers that work for the Army.They do a great job! I worked at the Pentagon when I was in the service, Room 5B1066 Army TV That was in 1967. We taped all the newscasts 3 networks at the time and made a kiniscope for all the HQ all over the worl. That was a great smart group of people. Most better tha the commercial...
    Posted to The Newsroom (Beta) (Forum) by Larry Baker on Thu, Nov 27 2008
  • Re: Back Pack Journalists

    When I read the original post, I read it more as 'one man band' type of journalists. The type that are completely self contained whether they are 50 miles from the station or 5000 miles. They interview, they write, they shoot, they edit, they submit thier stories either in person or remotely. Think NBC's Richard Engle who covers the middle...
    Posted to The Newsroom (Beta) (Forum) by straker on Wed, Nov 26 2008

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