Cincinnati Avid User Group

The Cincinnati Avid User Group is a newly formed group of Professional Editors and video Enthusiast who want to connect, keep up on the latest technology, and improve their skills and techniques.  We invite you to become a member of this group and share your thoughts and ideas.  We will also be planning regular meetings and welcome your input on what you want to see and learn about.

Most Recent Content

  • Pro Tool 12

    I have Pro Tools 11.3 and a 6 year old Mac. I am ready to update to a new Mac but 11.3 won't work on the new OS. I contacted Pro Tools and they said they would update to 12 for 299 dollars. My question is is 12 that much better? I want to get the new Mac but I'm not sure it's worth it.
    Posted to Cincinnati Avid User Group (Forum) by DBass456 on Sun, May 28 2017
  • Welcome

    I want to welcome everyone to the Cincinnati Avid Users Group I hope that this will be benificial to everyone. My name is Ed Strickland, I have been working on Avid's for about 10 years. I have an ACSR, and ACI certification from Avid. I am excited about starting this group. If you have any questions let me know if I can help. Ed Strickland
    Posted to Cincinnati Avid User Group (Weblog) by estrickland on Wed, Jun 25 2008

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