Brickwad:What they've done just knocks the air right out of me . . .
Face the fact that you have ONLY paid full price for 10 of their systems. You pay for all your upgrades. Your only experience is crafting a living out of those systems on a daily basis for years. How could your opinion possible mean anything??
PS if anyone can think of valid reasons why Brickwad's opinions should be considered please let me know because with only 4 systems I cannot think of one that could even start to compare with the decisions of a lead Designer with a staggering 3 or 4 years working for Avid.
Brickwad:I still believe MC4 is the best editor I've ever used.
Amen, Brickwad.
In this chorus of negativity - to which I've also been contributing - I think it's important to point out that most of us are not emphatic simply because we like to complain on internet forums (who's got the time?). I have been preaching the Avid gospel ever since I turned to editing in 1998. I've cut on MC since my beginning; I've taught it enthusiastically to hundreds of students; I've converted dozens of producers and directors (religious language is intended because I'm still a believer). And while other applications may offer a more complete package from start to finish, I maintain that Media Composer is still the most refined non-linear application in existence for anyone who wants to tell a good story. It's an elegant interface, built from the ground up, and evolved from years of input by the single most important species: editors.
I admit, I leave most color correction, audio sweetening, and special FX to other people in their respective and respected professions. The MC editing interface is what I always strived to master - a fluid toolset that allows me to engage with the story, the character, the emotions found in my footage. I honestly often forget that I'm even using a computer. So when interface designers come at me, over a decade later, and say they have upended core functionality in order to achieve overdue parity with Windows or FCP, I can only scratch my head and say, WTF?
BobbyMurcerFan: I also do wish Avid had listened to its customers years ago, then some of the pain being felt today may not be as severe. I don't think Avid "holing up"--if that's what's going on--is going to help this community or the company. But to answer the challenge posed, Red > Adobe > Avid > Apple in terms of candid and frequent dialog.
I also do wish Avid had listened to its customers years ago, then some of the pain being felt today may not be as severe. I don't think Avid "holing up"--if that's what's going on--is going to help this community or the company.
But to answer the challenge posed, Red > Adobe > Avid > Apple in terms of candid and frequent dialog.
"Out of mud the lovely Lotus Blooms, Out of Strife something higher vies "
AndrewAction:come on get a grip.... It is their product and OBVIOUSLY their designers KNOW best, whats needed
That's right . .I'm sorry - I forgot . . "New Thinking" Never mind. I was only speaking from the point of view of someone who has created THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of commercials on various flavors of Media Composer over the past 12 years. What do I know? Andrew, thanks for pointing this out to me . .What was I thinking?
brickwad, andrewaction, jveekeres, funckdren, BobbyMercerFan, Jayanta, Larry and the list goes on......
I hear you! Avid does too!!!!
First, I think it is very important to note that even though I haven't been posting on the forums the past 5-6 months to the degree that I did the past 6 years, I have been watching the community during this time and continue to work with the Moderators on a daily and weekly basis. That hasn't changed.
Secondly, please know that there HAVE been folks behind the scenes at Avid reading and monitoring the site for me while I was sick. While this group of folks might not have the same posting style as I do ( no comments from the peanut gallery on that one :)) they have been following threads and passing the comments along. I thank them for that. When you see the fixes in the latest patch files slated for upload Monday the 27th, you will too. Most of the fixes either came from or were validated by the forum folks.
Thirdly...... I am planning a call after the holidays (the first or second week in January) with the Mod Squad, as I affectionately refer to them,to outline a new way to get your feedback in to Avid. The work is already done and now needs to be implemented. I apologize in advance that it wasn't implemented sooner but that's my fault - being out as I have been. Stay tuned.... the mod squad will be briefed first... community as a whole second.
Lastly, while health issues have improved and I am back full force, I have ALWAYS been available on email and cell during the past 5-6 months. If there were or are any topics or issues you feel so strongly about, you should emailed me. Thats what I am here for and what I do for Avid - advocate for you!
Let's get through the holidays ( it is only 1.5 more weeks ) and let me work with the Product Team and the mod squad re: the feedback component and go from there.
Happy Holidays all and thanks for your support the past 5-6 months.
Ho Ho Ho
[email protected]
Merry Xmas and a happy New Year to you all! Especially Marianna and co. for such a festive missive!
Paddywack Productions Ltd. Freelance editing in the UK
Back at you Paddywack.....
Cheers and Ho Ho Ho's across the pond.
Stay warm will you.... we hear you folks in the UK are getting clobbered by snow.
Marianna " its even cold in Florida this year"
Marianna:" its even cold in Florida this year"
But heartfelt Ho Ho Ho's to Marianna, Todd, and all who listen at Avid. And the same to the moderators too.
OT, I know, but Paddywack started it!
Marianna:Marianna " its even cold in Florida this year"
Here in Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay, we are waiting for 6-16" inches of snow this weekend...I thought this was the south!
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Scott Witthaus
Owner/Editor/Post Production Supervisor 1708 Editorial
Marianna:When you see the fixes in the latest patch files slated for upload Monday the 27th, you will too. Most of the fixes either came from or were validated by the forum folks.
Thank you Marianna . .Coming from you, this news fills me with optimism! I'm glad you're feeling better!
Hi Marianna. Great to hear all you wrote...if you don't mind my asking....who are you?
Do you work at Avid, etc? Curious, thanks!
"... who are you? Do you work at Avid, etc ..."
You'll note in the left-hand sidebar, the following banners (with Avid logos). Yes, Marianna works for Avid, as the Community Administrator. She manages the Moderators, and is their liaison back to management, engineering, etc. She is also your Customer Advocate. That means she's your one-stop go-to-gal for almost any issue you need resolved.
In a nutshell, when you need assistance from Avid, she's your best friend.
"There are few technological barriers. You can fix almost anything if you throw enough money at it."*******************************Randall L. Rike, ACI, ACSR Mac*Win*Unity*ISIS*DSSystems Engineer @ BET Networks [a Viacom company](wwld)
Editor363636:Hi Marianna. Great to hear all you wrote...if you don't mind my asking....who are you?
She is a superhero!
"When I spent 60k on a discreet edit digisuite system 10 years ago someone came up to me to offer fcp 2, I said it was a scam too." -Ric
with record snow in minneapolis 6 ft in my driveway and the coldest dec in record where is that global warming we were promised fla. is still warm as your water is still liquid brrrr. i must now make my pilgrimage to sunny Los Angeles for the rest of the winter see you in anaheim at namm
Tom Pearson
Director/Writer Big Picture Films
Sound Designer/Sound Editor Hollywood Sounds
Thx Marianna,
Jeroen van Eekeres
Technical director, Broadcast support engineer, Avid ACSR.
Always have a backup of your projects....Always!!!! Yes Always!!!!
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