A few thoughts for features... I came to sugegst a single request then thought of a couple more.
1 Tab to Transient: Would love this Pro Tools feature to be incorporated into into MC. Eg You've got a clip with 100 punch sound effects. Instead of manually running through and stoppng/starting each punch, Avid recognises the peaks on the waveform and can jump to the peaks, or transients. This would be useful for jumping to a clapperboard, or calls of action etc, or simply dialogue starts. Even deeper would be to control the threshold of the peak/transient. Also automatically add locators to transients/peaks.
2 Waveform search: we have phrasefind for words. How cool would it be to search for something eg BANG, PUNCH, EXPLOSION etc and do a phrasefind type search for sounds which might sound like what you're searching for?
3 Source Waveform: Final Cut used to do this, Resolve does - I'd like to see the waveform in the source monitor itself. For a synced clip, it could be a small bar at the bottom, a bit like the sequence map. For audio clips, the whole window could be a waveform. Using Source/record timeline view is still great but I want better control and overview without switrching between the two.
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