Wondering if this happens to anyone else. For my work I need to have firefox open so I can download production music and also check work emails and download notes etc. Also have Slack going where we share cuts from producers and other editors on the series.
I find that if I just hide AVID and then go back to it, it either freezes, or I can't close bins or select clips from the bin I was working in, especally if I'm scoring the cut. I then have to exit AVID and go back in. As I need to do this fairly reguarly it's annoying. Is this something I have to live with or is there a workaround or settings? With a 16-Core processor I thought I would't have this issue anymore. Would love to know what other editors do in this situation.
I'm having a similar issue; hiding Media Composer to work within another app freezes MC when I return. I can quit MC and restart, however all transport control is frozen. It may be a 7,1 16 core issue...take a look at my specs.
Yes we do indeed have similar systems, but I had the same issue on my old system Mac, 8 core, OS Mojave. I've only just upgraded and thought the gutsier processor would eleminate the problem but it hasn't. I've also noticed that it can freeze when I am linking media through source browser, have you had this issue?
I don't use Firefox but do hide/minimise/cmd-tab from AMC to chrome, shutter encoder, safari, AE etc all day without issue.
I get occasional permenant beach balls/hard crashes when lifting clips in timeline - particularly Titler+ clips. I think this may be down to cpu overload due to working with all AMA linked media. Short bin save times for me atm.
Hi Trevor,
I tried Chrome, same issue. All my media is transcoded native offline. I'm keep looking at the activity window and the CPU doesn't seem to be under a heavy load from what I can see. Am I missing something? Just seems like something that shouldn't be happening and having to quit out of AVID and reopen to clear the issue is a pain.
Interesting that you've had the same issue on an older Mac/Mojave...I haven't seen any freezing issues with Source Browser on my current configuration.
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