Welcome to the Avid FastServe Server Platform Forum
This forum is where Community members with questions on Avid FastServe products can engage with member of the Avid Product team and Avid community teams.
This is "the place" to ask questions of our product folks, engage with fellow peers and learn about the Avid FastServe family of broadcast solutions.
Check out the new web pages dedicated to Avid FastServe. There are several Avid Server Specialists, Product Managers and Designers who will be monitoring this forum along with myself to ensure you get the answers you need.
Note: As we move forward, we anticipate adding customer moderators who will; assist in answering questions, alerting Avid when a post has not been addressed, encourage peer to peer communications and collaboration. If interested in becoming a customer moderator, please email me directly to discuss.
Thank you and enjoy the forums....
[email protected]
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