MC 4.05
Dell M90 all certified
Suddenly MC cant play the media anymore. I get red stripes (are red stripes processor speed, or what?)
Everything was fine yesterday. What is wrong?
When I want to save the sequence bin I get acces violations, when I want to play the media I get premature end of stream.
With all projects or just one project?
I uninstalled Procoder and it works again. I don´t understand though why both dont work together on my laptop, on my destop it was no problem. Anybody else experience this?
BTW: what do red lines stand for?
Joe M: With all projects or just one project?
good question, I just tried one. Now I dont want to risk reinstalling Procoder.
Thin red lines in the timeline indicate CPU inability to process data. The number crunching is too intensive for it to handle.
Larry Rubin
Senior Editor
The Pentagon Channel
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