How do you remove a project listed in the Select Project window at startup...? I have already backed up/copied the project removed all master clips, precomputes, attic files. I just don't want the project to show up in the Select Project window at startup.
Never mind... I found it in the manual... after looking for over half an hour... geees...
You pick the video project in the Select Project window and hit delete key.
Yes, that was also what i wrote into your thread the 29 th
Projects are deleted by pressing the delete button on a highlighted project form the " open up project" window
Alternately, you can delete the specific project folder from the master "Avid Projects" folder on your C: drive. And don't forget to clean out the attic!
Larry Rubin
Senior Editor
The Pentagon Channel
Can all of that NOT be accomplished by the Media Tool?
"... Can all of that NOT be accomplished by the Media Tool? ..."
It's a tool for media management, not project management. So, no. However, Media Tool can help you delete all the "media" for a project.
"There are few technological barriers. You can fix almost anything if you throw enough money at it."*******************************Randall L. Rike, ACI, ACSR Mac*Win*Unity*ISIS*DSSystems Engineer @ BET Networks [a Viacom company](wwld)
Details on using the media tool.
Thanks for clarifying. Can you also point me to a download for MC v5.0.3 user guide? We upgraded via download and didn't receive any hard or digital copies of the manual.
At the moment, this is all I can find. I'm still searching....
As of MC 5 printed manuals are not provided anymore.
peace luca As of MC 5 printed manuals are not provided anymore.
That is correct, but a qualified search on the Knowledge Base should easily find it, and right now it does not. The web team is currently working on that issue.
I don't delete old projects from the listing.
With Avid shut down, I navagate in Windows to the "Avid Projects" folder. I create a folder called "Old Projects" inside the Avid Projects folder, then I just move the projects I don't need to the "Old Projects" folder.
The "Old Projects" folder (or any other folder inside the "Avid Projects" folder) doesn't show up in the "Select Project" window on startup.
So the projects are still available if needed, yet don't clutter up the Projects listing.
Steve Godsey, CLVS
Some producers are like slinkies: Completely useless, but you can't help but smile when you push one down the stairs.
Larry Rubin:a qualified search on the Knowledge Base should easily find it
Also, when removing or archiving old projects, don't forget to clean out the attic!
I hate cleaning the Attic. You get so dusty...
I'm also one that manages project folders from Explorer, for exactly the same reason as the two posts above. That way you can keep a backup should you need it.
I believe the MC5 manuals can be found here (It's where they are on my machine.):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\Avid Media Composer\OnlineLibrary\DOCS
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