Just a note that a few moments ago with running with the smart tool "disabled", going into AMA user settings and enabling AMA resulted in the smart tool reactivating. I'm just sayin'.
Larry Rubin
Senior Editor
The Pentagon Channel
Well, just one more reason that we must be provided with a solution to permanently disable the Smart Tool. Honestly, it is THE most annoying addition to the toolset in the more than 20 years I've been a loyal Avid owner! For many years I've mapped and used keyboard shortcuts to activate and deactivate the functions of the Smart Tool and now it's a total annoyance to constantly have to work around this thing! Just sayin', too.
I was disappointed to find I still needed my Smart Tool toggle shortcut in too. For me it reliably pops up after trimming AMA media in edit mode.
If Smart Tool isn't an example of George Orwell's New Speak I don't know what is!
jwrl: If Smart Tool isn't an example of George Orwell's New Speak I don't know what is!
Exactly. Very well said.
Jeroen van Eekeres
Technical director, Broadcast support engineer, Avid ACSR.
Always have a backup of your projects....Always!!!! Yes Always!!!!
A.V.I.D....... Another Version In Development
I would recommend turning on the "Click on TC Track Disables ST" setting in Timeline-Edit preferences. This isn't a solution, but since most people have a tendency to scrub in the TC track, you inevitably disable ST even if it's enabled. It's a stop-gap for now.
- Oliver
OliverPeters:I would recommend turning on the "Click on TC Track Disables ST" setting in Timeline-Edit preferences.
I have this setting active all the time. Still, the smart tool randomly reactivates itself. I'm fed up with it, and fed up with having to constantly divert my attention to monitor this abominable tool.
Larry Rubin:I have this setting active all the time. Still, the smart tool randomly reactivates itself.
I believe that, similar to beauty, in this case "abominable" and "annoying" are in the eye of the beholder. I'm ok with the smart tool and I hope Avid does not do away with it. But then I'm new to MC and have not been editing with it for years via keyboard keystrokes like a number of users. So I recoginize your frustration. And I agree it would be best for Avid to devise a reliable option to keep it switched off and even removed from the timeline for those who don't want it. But don't remove it altogether from MC. That's my vote.
I agree, and I'm not proposing eliminating the smart tool. As many, many users have requested, we need a way to PERMANENTLY turn if off, if we choose to do so.
from the readme file of
"Bug Number: UDevC00145368. Now, a cut operation does not change which segment toolsare enabled or disabled."
another example for orwells new speak?
Cameras don't lie yet liars may use cameras
One more pleading vote for Avid to allow users an option to disable the smart tool permanently. That way the people who like it keep it and for us that hate it, we can deep six it.
I like the smart tool, except when my segments are very short and it's hard for it to figure out what it is I want to do LOL. Yes, It would be nice to be able to permanently turn it off if it bugs ya.
"Don't go by my script, they're always wrong." - producer to me while editing
I'm all for being able to permanently disable the ST. But I also think that the idea has potential. Perhaps it's time to dispense with the bashing and start brain-storming on how to make a better ST. For example:
- Expand the selection hot spots beyond the dimensions of the track
- Include Ctrl-Shift-Alt key combinations as modifiers - make it keyboard-centric
- "Smart" suggests a tool that anticipates your next move. It this even possible? Or would it just get in the way more?
These are ideas to get people thinking. Don't shoot them down, fix them.
Your turn...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that get binary, and those that don't.
I'd like to compliment Cagey on his forward-thinking ideas. Now, that being done, I'd like to disagree completely, and keep bashing the Smart Tool. Any feature which permits you to throw off the timing of your entire project without even realizing it... does not belong in any professional editing program. The fact that this tool is also incredibly annyoing is merely more garbage on the trash heap.
Removing this abonination should be the sole goal of any future patch. Just the way I feel.
I spend most of my time between New York and Los Angeles. In Nebraska.
I'm just curious if there are any users out there who think the smart tool is the greatest invention since sliced bread, and if so, how do they use it efficiently in their daily workflow. So, big fans of the smart tool, if you're out there, how about sounding off here? We'd like to hear from you and get your opinions.
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