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  • Fri, Oct 15 2010 2:21 PM

    • ryanfollow
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    5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    We just got a new logging station with 5.0 installed.


    We have 3 other stations running 4.05.


    When got this up and running yesterday we noticed a bug.  When we tried to relink AMA files from an existing bin the start timecodes would reset to 0's for the clips.    It doesn't happen if we start from scratch, just with pre-existing bins.


    We bought this new system because we are under a huge media crunch right now.  So the last thing I need is this system to actually be wasting my time.  Does anyone know of a workaround or a cause for this?

  • Thu, Oct 21 2010 11:05 AM In reply to

    • hinfeyg2
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?


    We are experiencing the same problem when conforming XDCamEX (actually Panasonic P2, project has both cameras) media through AMA. It does not happen everytime but sometimes the timecode definitely gets reset to 0 hour after the transcode.

    Trying to figure it out at the moment. Anyone know if this is a bug or a simple settings issue?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Also Using Avid 5.0.3 on HP Z400 Workstation.



    Gavin Hinfey

    Media Composer/Symphony Versions 5 through 6. Avid ISIS. Terrablock. [view my complete system specs]
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  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 5:35 PM In reply to

    • hinfeyg2
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?


    After plugging things in and out of other things....

    We found that P2 footage, shot on a HX 200 camera, transferred onto a drive and loaded via AMA into AVID version 4.0.5 created the following problem:

    Start timecode of AMA clips in bin reflect time of day code as was shot. However when one loads the footage into the source monitor and selects timecode > source > V1 > audio\film code reflects zero hour timecode.

    When we took sequences containing these clips for conform (AVID MC 5) the reference clips in the bin now reflected this zero hour code and hence would not relink.

    Were not sure why this is happening. There is a simple enough solution for us which is only load p2 into Avid Version 5.


    Gavin Hinfey

    Media Composer/Symphony Versions 5 through 6. Avid ISIS. Terrablock. [view my complete system specs]
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  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 5:51 PM In reply to

    • ryanfollow
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    The Avid tech I spoke with confirmed that he was able to duplicate the problem.    For logging stations, it's not exactly a minor problem.  It's a problem that renders the software for those stations useless for it's intended purpose.


    What's really frustrating for my company is that we have many existing Avid stations.


    Most of which are not version 5.   and now that we are trying to add more stations, the Avid sales rep I spoke with said I can not purchase version 4.0.5 anymore, I would have to spend an extra $300 for the dongle to be able to download an earlier version.   All this does is make folks in situations like ours consider buying older Avid products from non-licensed Avid sellers.    We've spent close to a million dollars on Avid producs in the last 10 years and not only are you trying to force us to buy a flawed upgrade that will not work with logging stations 5 months old, but you are trying to nickel and dime us into buying the dongle for the luxury of having an older version.


    I've now had to advise everyone in both of our offices to avoid version 5 and all further upgrades.


  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 6:52 PM In reply to

    • hinfeyg2
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

     "force us to buy a flawed upgrade" - but the upgrade to 5 fixes the bug. From our experience the bug is with Avid 4.0.5 hence buying more of these older licenses is not going to solve anything. Update your loading stations that load P2 to Avid 5 would be my recommendation for what its worth!

    Media Composer/Symphony Versions 5 through 6. Avid ISIS. Terrablock. [view my complete system specs]
  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 7:08 PM In reply to

    • ryanfollow
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    "fixes the bug" is a matter of perspective.    Our workflow ran fine working with avid media composers as old as version 1 up through 4, as well as our symphony nitris systems.

    One of which nitris systems is on an XW8200 which is not supported for version 5 which I had to find out the hard way after it crashed my system upon install and an Avid tech suggested I not try to upgrade that system further.   It froze upon install, got corrupt, and me and an Avid tech spent a day trying to uninstall/undo the damage with no luck, leaving me to resort to a system restore.

    So version 5 ama bins also do not play nice with  our online systems, which is yet another slight "hiccup" in our workflow.

    So the simple answer is simply throw more money at Avid to upgrade all of our version 4 systems and hope everything plays nice afterwards... after this past month of frustration in the midst of a serious delivery crunch, thanks but no thanks.

    Fact of the matter is, everything was working fine on all of our different systems until we tried to introduce version 5 into the mix.   Forgive me for not laying accolades on version 5 for "fixing the bug".

  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 7:13 PM In reply to

    • hinfeyg2
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    I see your point.....

    Media Composer/Symphony Versions 5 through 6. Avid ISIS. Terrablock. [view my complete system specs]
  • Thu, Nov 4 2010 7:48 PM In reply to

    • Editmvp
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    I have experienced this problem with P2 files as far back as version 3.x.  It's NOT exclusive to version 5.  However, with the improvements with AMA, I no longer transcode any P2 media and have no issues at all.  I simply transfer the P2 media to my Avid VideoRAIDs and it all works without a hitch.

    One work-around for the 000 TC that I found was to create a new project, import the clips into a new bin, then go back into the project with the problem TC and open the newly created bin.  It seems that the corruption has something to do with the bin, and not the media.

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  • Tue, Nov 5 2013 2:22 PM In reply to

    • Chris Paul
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?



    I'm responding to your old post that popped up in a google search.  I'm having this problem as well and look forward to trying your work around.  Here's another issue I'm having that's maddening.  I'm in a large project with huge amounts of P2 media.

    Standard workflow was clone the cards to a drive in unique folders for each card. This drive becomes the project backup drive.  I AMA the clones into MC6 and copy clips into various new bins while maintaining the "master P2 bin" from the project.    I would consolidate the clips to a different media drive and eject the AMA drive. 

    If I happen to open the P2 master bin or another bin in the project that the media hasn't been consolidated yet, all the media that was consolidated reverts back to AMA Media instead of Consolidtated media on the media drive. Since the AMA drive is no longer connected, everything goes offline.  How can I tell Avid not to upadate the bin media when another bin is open, or better yet, not revert back to AMA files and maintian the new consolidated or transcoded files?


  • Wed, Nov 6 2013 3:45 AM In reply to

    • Mondo
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    Re: 5.0 AMA/P2 Import Bug reseting timecode?

    Chris - apart from the fact that this is P2 media and AMA this issue seems completely unrelated to the original thread and you would have been better served opening a new thread.

    That said your workflow is a little wonky if I follow your post correctly. You could avoid all this by not duplicating your AMA media clips before consolidating - ie consolidate and then move the consolidated clips into separate bins..

    Alternatively when consolidating elect to have the consolidated clips assigned the .new naming convention (keep master clips linked to media on the original drive) and I think that should fix it as well? You seem to be ending up with two copies of the same clip metadata, one AMA linked and one consolidated and this should not happen - one of the two copies should be assigned .new or .old in the Avid DB.


    HP Z820 16GB RAM Winx64Pro SP1/Xeon 2620 x 2/Quadro 4000 NitrisDX, Fiber client Unity client 5.3 Build 15440, 4 bay SSD dock (Addonics) Custom build: Asus... [view my complete system specs]


    Can we go back to the way audio nodes used to be selected? Please? ie if you have audio nodes at the same time on selected tracks; then selecting 1 audio node selects them all at that time. Having to shift select nodes or add an in and out is time consuming and counter productive. At least make it an option.

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