I recently upgraded all my studios' editing stations to MC 5 and Win 7.
Even though win7 is not supported for XW8400 I have almost no problems with it (I'm constantly taking ownership and allowing permitions, would love to get a tip for that but that's not my issue).
all the projects went through the upgrade quite painlessly except for one quite complex documentary, that has a terrible response time for loading a sequence (around a minute!) and making any kind of edit (around 20 seconds for each overwrite/splice in/trim!).
I tried it on an XW8600 with mc5 and win7 - same thing.
I tried it on an 8 GB ram new and strong manually configured system with win7 and mc5 - same thing.
I moved it to an XW8400 mc5 with windows XP and its working fine. The only problem is that computer's not mine.
I would probably avoid the problem for this project, but my fear is that this is just a symptom and the problem will reappear in the future.
When I say the project is quite complex this is what I mean:
The project has about 100 hours of dv footage captured at 10:1, another 70 hours of xdcam ex transcoded in mc to sd 10:1, and about 2 hours of xdcam ex rewrapped as MXF through sony clipbrowser. It also has a few dozens of pictures, most of which has avid pan&zoom fx on. The current timeline is about two and a half hours long.
I tried separating the sequence to an sd video only 20 min. sequence, it was a bit faster, but still nowhere near any other projects.
Any thoughts?
Sorry for the very long post, thanks, Amit.
A quick workaround is to break the documentary into several shorter sequences. I've worked on numerous documentaries and other long format programs and breaking into shorter sequences has help speed things up a lot. Just edit them back together when you are ready to mixdown, ouput or export.
Thanks for the tip, though as i stated in my original massage it didn't work for me.
I have a good workaround for this project using XP, but i would like to know if anybody else is expirienced that kind of problem, so i can fix it's source for future projects.
thanks again.
You may want to trash the project settings, or open a new project and try to open the bins with the sluggish timeline inside of it; also, are You on a brand new user, expressly made with MC 5?
peace luca
yes I'm on a new user created on mc 5.
i'll try openning a new project and see how it goes, thanks.
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