Latest post Sun, Jun 20 2010 12:28 AM by David Hackley. 9 replies.
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  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 3:49 PM

    Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

         I was able to use the subject tutorial when I first discovered it.  I played several "subchapters" successfully, set it aside for a day, played some more "subchapters" again, set it aside again, and continued intermittently for a few more subchapters.  The next time I tried to use the tutorial, none of the "subchapters" would play.  When I try to start one it gives me the big black screen with the white "play" triangle in the center.  When I click the play triangle I get a smaller black screen which says something tantamount to "go to AVID TV".  Click on that and I get an array of screens which each look like an initial frame of the tutorial's "subscreens"  Click on or open any of them and nothing happens.  Dead end  Has anyone else seen this or similar behavior?

         The tutorial was very valuable for the small portion that worked for me.  I would like very much to be able to have it for the training and future reference it provides.

         Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?  Did AVID disable this tutorial or are other members of the forum still able to use it (thus indicating that my problem is probably on my end).  Is the tutorial supposed to be played through some app or player?  Is there a place where I can download the tutorial?

         Thank you all for any help on this.  



    Intel Core2Duo [email protected] GHz, Asus P5W DH DLX, 2GB Ram, XP Pro SP3, MC5.0.3.2, QT V7.6.6, AL V7.2, Sapphire Radeon 4750 512 MB PCI-x, Pinnacle 710-USB... [view my complete system specs]
  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 4:03 PM In reply to

    • Pif
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    Hi David,


    Spot checking the tutorial videos on does not reproduce the issue you are seeing. Are there any chapters working for you, or are all videos not displaying?


    I'd suggest you try to clear your browser cache, close the browser and then re-open the videos. If you still have issues, please reply here and let me know your specific browser version and OS.


    <Mike />



    Mike Pifalo

    Sr. Web Producer, Onling Mktg and User Experience

  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 5:31 PM In reply to

    • TVJohn
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    I can say that the most of the tutorials do not play via the Chrome browser, IE and Opera work fine...

    Dell Display U2713HM(2560x1440), AMD FX8350 8core, AMD 990FX mobo, 32gig-DDR3-1600, GTX 3060Ti, Audigy2zs, 1TB SSD system drive, 2TB SATA render, 8TB SATA... [view my complete system specs]

    Using MC 23.12. Win 22H2  Avid FX6.4, Vegas Pro 20/ DVD Architect 6pro, DVDit6.4proHD, CCE Basic, TmpGe Express4, TmpGe Authoring Works 4, DVDLab-Studio. Sony EX-1R, Canon XH-A1, GL2, GL1, Canon EOS 60D

  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 6:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    Pif(Mike) and TV John,

    Using the URL in your post I tried a thorough spotcheck of the sub chapters.  Still no-go.  I deleted all the temp files in IE 7 (using Win XP Pro SP3) and then repeated the spotcheck.  No joy.  Question:  I deleted the temp files; is that the same as the cache?  Here is what I see:  When I enter the URL Mike provided I get the tutorial's table of contents (all text).  When I select a subchapter this works and gives me a very out of focus what appears to be the first frame of the chapter I selected with the text "go to Avid TV".  It shows blurry MC5 with what may be pertinent monitors and timeline data for the subject of the subchapter.  Clicking on that takes me to a white page which has a thumbnail of another frame which may also be from the subchapter.  Clicking on this or right clicking produces nothing.  It is inaccessible. 

    I may try installing IE7 and see if the current one is corrupted.

    Anyone have any other suggestions for me to try?

    Thanks for the ideas.



    Intel Core2Duo [email protected] GHz, Asus P5W DH DLX, 2GB Ram, XP Pro SP3, MC5.0.3.2, QT V7.6.6, AL V7.2, Sapphire Radeon 4750 512 MB PCI-x, Pinnacle 710-USB... [view my complete system specs]
  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 6:47 PM In reply to

    • Pif
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    Hmmm...again I am not seeing an issue using Chrome v5.0.375 on Vista 64. What version and OS are you running Chrome on?


    Also, what version of flash do you have installed?


    And thank you for checking.

    Mike Pifalo

    Sr. Web Producer, Onling Mktg and User Experience

  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 6:54 PM In reply to

    • Pif
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    Hi David, can you check your version of flash? BTW, you shouldn't have to (or want to) click the "Go to Avid TV" link. The way you are describing what's happening makes me think flash is not working/loading. Version 8 and higher (v10 is the latest) should work ok. But maybe I have this wrong; I'll double-check with the designer of the video controller.

    Mike Pifalo

    Sr. Web Producer, Onling Mktg and User Experience

  • Thu, Jun 17 2010 8:48 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial


    Hi David, can you check your version of flash? BTW, you shouldn't have to (or want to) click the "Go to Avid TV" link. The way you are describing what's happening makes me think flash is not working/loading. Version 8 and higher (v10 is the latest) should work ok. But maybe I have this wrong; I'll double-check with the designer of the video controller.

    Hi Pif (Mike)      Yesterday, I checked my version of Adobe Flash Player and it was V  I was using that when my problem with the tutorial was discovered.  Several attempts were made in vain with that.  After receiving your today emails wherein you were sort of zeroing in on AFP, I decided to go to Avid Tips and Tutorials and try one of the tutorials to see if my AFP worked on that.  It didn't, but instead advised me that I needed the latest version.  In desperation I succumbed and downloaded it again.  I then tried it and it worked.  I then went to Pif's URL (to see if there was a problem with the URL) and it now worked.  This newly downloaded version was, and is, V 

    My best guess is that yesterday's AFP download was corrupt which would explain all my problems prior to Pif's putting me onto AFP.  I will continue working with the tutorial and report if AFP has a mind of its own and decides to act up again.  Hoping that won't be necessary.

    Thanks to you and and TV John for your kind and prompt help. 

    Intel Core2Duo [email protected] GHz, Asus P5W DH DLX, 2GB Ram, XP Pro SP3, MC5.0.3.2, QT V7.6.6, AL V7.2, Sapphire Radeon 4750 512 MB PCI-x, Pinnacle 710-USB... [view my complete system specs]
  • Fri, Jun 18 2010 1:20 AM In reply to

    • TVJohn
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    I'm running Chrome on Win7 64 business. the tutorials that present a black window with start icon and no video are the ones ported from Douglas' 200.

    This PC has the latest updates.

    Dell Display U2713HM(2560x1440), AMD FX8350 8core, AMD 990FX mobo, 32gig-DDR3-1600, GTX 3060Ti, Audigy2zs, 1TB SSD system drive, 2TB SATA render, 8TB SATA... [view my complete system specs]

    Using MC 23.12. Win 22H2  Avid FX6.4, Vegas Pro 20/ DVD Architect 6pro, DVDit6.4proHD, CCE Basic, TmpGe Express4, TmpGe Authoring Works 4, DVDLab-Studio. Sony EX-1R, Canon XH-A1, GL2, GL1, Canon EOS 60D

  • Fri, Jun 18 2010 1:37 AM In reply to

    • TVJohn
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    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    Installing Flash 10.1 just broke Chrome. Can't see even the black window now...

    Dell Display U2713HM(2560x1440), AMD FX8350 8core, AMD 990FX mobo, 32gig-DDR3-1600, GTX 3060Ti, Audigy2zs, 1TB SSD system drive, 2TB SATA render, 8TB SATA... [view my complete system specs]

    Using MC 23.12. Win 22H2  Avid FX6.4, Vegas Pro 20/ DVD Architect 6pro, DVDit6.4proHD, CCE Basic, TmpGe Express4, TmpGe Authoring Works 4, DVDLab-Studio. Sony EX-1R, Canon XH-A1, GL2, GL1, Canon EOS 60D

  • Sun, Jun 20 2010 12:28 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with MC5 Getting Started Tutorial

    I did some research on the web about updating AdobeFlashPlayer and located one guru who had some interesting suggestions.  He said that AFP does a lousy job of undeleting outdated versions of AFP.  He suggested downloading Secunia Software Inspector (free) which will tell me how many outdated versions of AFP I had in my computer.  I did this and found that I had four old versions scattered randomly around.  I deleted every version of AFP then downloaded the current version.  Since doing this I can play every one of the many MC5 tutorials and as well as all the other video sites with no problems and without being besieged and battered with constant admonitions that my AFP was out of date and I should download the latest version.  I can now even play the MC5 Getting Started Tutorial againi.  I may yet learn to like AFP.

    I suggest anyone who has trouble with AFP should consider the above.  Good Luck

    Intel Core2Duo [email protected] GHz, Asus P5W DH DLX, 2GB Ram, XP Pro SP3, MC5.0.3.2, QT V7.6.6, AL V7.2, Sapphire Radeon 4750 512 MB PCI-x, Pinnacle 710-USB... [view my complete system specs]
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