Latest post Mon, Jan 20 2025 3:58 PM by Ssnygg. 3 replies.
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  • Sun, Jan 19 2025 12:02 AM

    • Ssnygg
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    How do i get Avid to NOT be in the left most monitor?

    In my edit set up, my left most monitor is a drawing tablet and is used for ancillary programs I might be using while editing. It's kind of small, off to the side and at lap level next to the drawing tools, so I really don't want to be using it with Avid, but Avid seems to force itself into that monitor whether the monitor is on or off.   Worse yet, the default is to have the timeline and source/record monitors on that tiny monitor.   I can drag the windows out of that monitor, but the monitor remains black with no tabs, so if I'm switching between say the internet to look something up I need, and Avid, Avid will take over that screen and make it black so I can't glance from one to the other.   Likewise, if I try to use only one monitor for Avid (like I'm trying to create a tutorial for my students) Avid forces itself into two monitors and if I turn off every monitor, disconnect them, Avid won't include the source/record monitors in the remaining monitor even after I hit "windows>restore to default" or "windows>workspaces>restore to saved"

    Just so you realize how bad this is, my left monitor is 12" and my right two monitors are about 32" each.  

    Also is there a quick one button "use one monitor" button to help me make tutorials for my students?

    Ideas?  thanks

    I have several systems. 1-Media Composer ver 5 1-Media Composer 2021.6 on Win 10 1-mac Express 2.2 AB/VB Targa set up The computers I use include: 1-Intel... [view my complete system specs]
  • Sun, Jan 19 2025 12:13 AM In reply to

    • Ssnygg
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    Re: How do i get Avid to NOT be in the left most monitor?

    Also - in order to do the tutorials, I need a quick way of getting to "default if you had one single screen" becuase that is what the students would have.

    I have several systems. 1-Media Composer ver 5 1-Media Composer 2021.6 on Win 10 1-mac Express 2.2 AB/VB Targa set up The computers I use include: 1-Intel... [view my complete system specs]
  • Sun, Jan 19 2025 8:14 AM In reply to

    Re: How do i get Avid to NOT be in the left most monitor?

    Start by going through the windows monitor setup and make sure it is just the way you want it and the center monitor of your three is set up as the default.   

    Then launch AVID, create a new user and see if AVID goes naturally to the correct monitors without having to drag windows around.  You want the File/Edit/Bin/Clip controls, etc. to be naturally on the center monitor.  Once you have this, you may be able to create a single monitor look and save is a link to a single monitor setup used for a tutorial......

    ...just tested this and it did work.....the various windows were able to be moved into place and a 1 screen workspace created....however, the black screen is still taking over the far left, this may not get you all the way home....

    I9-NVidia3060-160ram-WIN11PRO-MC24.10-NewBlueFX-Photoshop-Shutter Encoder-Boris Continuum 12.5-VLC Player [view my complete system specs]
  • Mon, Jan 20 2025 3:58 PM In reply to

    • Ssnygg
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    Re: How do i get Avid to NOT be in the left most monitor?


    I have several systems. 1-Media Composer ver 5 1-Media Composer 2021.6 on Win 10 1-mac Express 2.2 AB/VB Targa set up The computers I use include: 1-Intel... [view my complete system specs]
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