Is there any quick way to swap/replace a .DPX clip with an DNxHR HQX .MOV clip that has already been split up at various parts with effects on the split clips?
I've been working with a 10 minuted linked .DPX comp in MC that I exported from After Effects and in my MC timeline I've split the .DPX comp at various points to in order to add different reframing and pan/zoom effects where needed along the full comp. I was working with a .DPX mainly because it was quicker to be able to make adjustments on small sections within AE and then simply overwrite just the frame stills I needed in just a few minutes, rather than having to rerender the AE comp as a DNxHR HQX which .MOV file, because it would take around 6 hours everytime.
Now that I'm done with all my AE changes I went ahead an rendered out the DNxHR HQX .MOV file for the AE comp which only 60 GB vs the 560 GB for the .DPX sequence, but I can't find any quick way to simply replace all instances of the .DPX file with the HQX .MOV file. I've done the standard type of relink when dealing with relinking DNxHR LB to the DNxHR HQX version, but not sure how or if this can be as easily done when trying to go from and imag sequence (.DPX) to video file (.MOV).
Thanks for any help on this
Although I've never attempted this with a DPX file, I did once have to solve a problem for a student who had cut their timeline from a single film scan of approx 16 mins.
The problem arose when they had their rushes rescanned, so we had to find a way of relinking from a completely different media file.
Luckily, the new scan matched perfectly with the original scan in terms of length and start timecode (which started at zero)
We began by adding a TAPE number to the original scan (in our case 001) using the MODIFY command. Note that this will wipe out any source file name/location in the bin metadata.
We then gave the same TAPE number to the new scan media.
We made sure that the only bins open were the bins with the timeline and the newly scanned material.
Making sure the new scan clip was selected in the appropriate bin, we seleted our timeline and right-clicked on RELINK.
In our relink options, we chose the 'Relink to material in all open bins' and made sure we were relinking by TAPE number.
This successfully replaced the old scan clips with the rescanned clips.
Thanks again Bruno, this worked perfectly!! Saved me probably at least 4 hours of work, took only maybe 30 minutes to get it right once I understand exactly what to and made sure I had a duplicate sequence, etc just in case of anything.
I did a little testing and I was able to preserve the metadata
Bruno M: Note that this will wipe out any source file name/location in the bin metadata.
by first duplicating both linked comps (.DPX and and the .MOV) then when I
did the following on each clip
1. Right-click and select Modify.
2. From the drop down list, select Set Source.
3. Enter the a tape name in my case AE_comp_full_03
4. Click Ok and hit ok again on those warnings, it appears that all the date remained intact, with the addition of "AE_comp_full_03" showing up under the TAPE column.
I did notice that if I did not have a duplicate of the linked clip, that the metadata would get wiped, and would only show the new info AE_comp_full_03 for TAPE, but I didn't have a chance find a way to retain that metadata other than making the duplicated linked clip first, but I want to try something else get that data back when I have a chance.
Then I set my relink UI up as you mentioned shown in the screenshot attached, and BAAAM!! All the .DPX subclips were replaced with the .MOV clips maintaining all the effects, etc.
Thanks for help on this!!
Thanks for the reply.
Glad to see a confirmation that it works with DPX files.
Bruno M: Thanks for the reply. Glad to see a confirmation that it works with DPX files.
Nicely done BrunoM
Thanks for posting this to help out a fellow editor.
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