Latest post Fri, Jan 10 2025 2:56 PM by Isaac T.. 3 replies.
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  • Fri, Jan 10 2025 5:50 AM

    Avid clip naming when importing

    This is such an old topic. Why does avid rename file names during import? I normally transcode my footages in resolve so it will still retain the original file name. I do understand that Avid works best with it's codec....but why does it even needs to rename the clips making it hard to identify what is the original file name in windows explorer/finder level? This is hard to deal with multiple editors on different systems to colloborate with or there is a better way to make it work? Coz when they receive my files, and i export a AAF, they are using a confusing name which we don't know what it actually is....Now, when i import my sound library, which sometimes i do add files as the project grows, those files are given a name that avid only understand...what is the point of this?
  • Fri, Jan 10 2025 11:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Avid clip naming when importing

    what is the point of this?
    Originally, the point is to absolutely guarantee unique mediafile names in order to prevent mis-linking. You wouldn't want shots from other shows to appear in your sequence at some random point. I agree, though, that it would be way easier if at least the basis of the source file name is somehow part of the head of the mediafile name. For sound effects, that can be tricky as they can sometimes have very long names with characters that may not be legal on all disk formats, so there's that. Not sure if it still works, but there is a console command "Rename Mediafiles" that used to rename mediafiles based on their clip name (I think). Use at your own peril, though, I don't think I have ever used it myself.
    Media Composer Symphony | PT Ultimate | Win11 HPZ | OSX MBP [view my complete system specs]
  • Fri, Jan 10 2025 11:54 AM In reply to

    Re: Avid clip naming when importing

    Media Composer Symphony | PT Ultimate | Win11 HPZ | OSX MBP [view my complete system specs]
  • Fri, Jan 10 2025 2:56 PM In reply to

    • Isaac T.
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    Re: Avid clip naming when importing


    those files are given a name that avid only understand...what is the point of this?

    +1 on Job's reason:

    Job ter Burg:

    Originally, the point is to absolutely guarantee unique mediafile names in order to prevent mis-linking

    I've written some pieces on creating dailies outside of Media Composer in the past few months. These articles will help you transcode media for Media Composer so the resulting MXFs can retain your source media's file names.

    Yes, you can use Resolve, but Resolve's not the only game in town. (Plus, Resolve feels like a waterfall when all you want is a glass of water. 😄)

    1. Prepping Dailies for Avid Media Composer Without… Buying Media Composer?

    2. Shutter Encoder Makes the Dailies for Avid Media Composer

    3. RAV-Bot’s Avid Bin Generator by DalbyTech

    4. Creating Dailies (Or Rushes) Outside of Avid Media Composer - a summary with more transcoder options


    Do those help?

    2018 MacBook Pro (Intel) • Mid-2010 Mac Pro [view my complete system specs]
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