Dear Avid,
I have experienced numerous playback issues with Avid 2024. I collaborated with Avid tech support, but they were unable to resolve the problems. The final communication I received from them acknowledged it as a "bug" and said that I would need to wait for a fix. Marianne was very supportive and helpful until December. My attempts to reach out to her for answers have been unsuccessful. In my last email, I asked Marianna if it was possible to revert to MC 2018, but I have received no response, and it is no longer available in the download center.
I'm feeling lost. I have two documentary projects currently in progress with a lot of media, and Avid MC isn’t meeting my needs. I've turned off the "renew" option on two Avid subscriptions and have no choice but to consider switching to DaVinci Resolve. I have been an Avid owner and advocate for over 20 years, but I can no longer justify paying for a product that doesn't perform. My first subscription expires in about 65 days. If this issue isn’t resolved before then, you will lose me as a customer. I work as an editor on The Amazing Race and other union network shows, and I will be recommending that they start exploring other options as well.
there are posts here with a list of older MC versions including the one you need.
Try this folder :)
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