I don't have the built in Proxy function in the MC Enterprise version, so all that has to be done manually.
It all works if you are careful. However, it is the creation of proxies in Resolve that is a question mark.
I can't find a way to use a proxy created in Resolve to relink to any media in MC.
Only proxies created in MC actually relink to media.
It appears the process of creating proxies in Resolve expects you to go back into Resolve to link back to the 4k master clips and output.
Is there an answer to this if a user wants to create proxies in Resolve, which has its advantages, and relink in MC?
The problem I've found with creating proxies in Resolve is that when you export them as individual OP Atom DNX files and place them into your Avid Mediafiles (numbered) folder, the resultant clips don't have the relevant metadata to allow you to relink in Avid.
I'm assuming that once you've brought in your proxy files, you've dragged the Avid media database file (msmMMOB.mdb) to a bin, which populates it with the master clips. If you look at the metadata for these files, you'll see there's a lot of data missing, but in particular there's nothing listed under the column 'Source File'. This should normally have the name of the camera source file (for example... A123456-7890-123456.mxf). Without this info, there's no way Avid knows what to relink to.
Some people export an ALE from the Resolve timeline and import that into an Avid bin, then relink the master clips to the proxy media. This provides more metadata than dragging in the database file, but sadly the Source File info is still missing.
There are ways around this which involves extra steps, but I wonder why it is that you cannot create your proxies in Avid MC?
I'm not sure what you mean by the "built-in Proxy function". Avid allows you to link to your camera originals and then transcode them to the appropriate proxy resolution - such as DNxHD36 or DNxHR LB. Doing this will retain the important metadata and allow you to relink to the camera originals.
The only time I've needed to create my proxies in Resolve is when there's isn't an AMA plugin available for the camera footage in question. Is this the situation you're in?
...thank you for this.....very helpful....what i mean is i am not on a Enterprise version of MC so have never tried the AVID proxy workflow in that system....
...i am just exploring the options....Resolve does allow you to change the name of the MXF files to include another name such as the source name.....so, you get files that make sense......is there another way to do this?
Metadata fields? didn't see much about that....i thought there is a way to populate the reel# field with source name in Resolve....but i cant find the link to that now....that would do it, yes?
.....metadata tools are the just being explored here.....there is a beyond comprehension DOS like app that will change the names of MXF files that AVID creates...no way for me....is there any other way to get this slick MXF named for the source file thing Resolve does?
...Resolve Studio just got installed here....+ might have found a link to the source name business....however, there is much metadata NOT coming over this way, as you point out.....more testing to follow.....
The way we teach the Resolve-Avid roundtrip is as follows...
In Resolve
1) String out shots on timeline
2) Open up Index on Edit page. You'll see there's nothing under the REEL column.
3) In General Settings, tick button that says 'Assist using Reel Names from the:'
4) Select the option 'Embedded in source clip file' or 'Source clip filename'. Save out of this menu.
5) You should notice the REEL column now has data. Either a truncated reel name based on the source file or the actual filename.
6) Export as individual OP Atom MXF files (DNxHR LB), with 'Filename uses' set to 'Source name'.
In Avid MC
1) Place these files into a numbered Avid Mediafiles folder.
2) Start Avid MC and let it build the database files for this folder.
3) Create new bin and drag database file into bin - you now have your proxy files master clips.
You'll notice that the REEL name from Resolve now appears in the TAPE column.
4) When editing is complete, export a linked AAF back to Resolve.
1) Import AAF with these options:
Automatically set project settings = OFF
Automatically import source clips into media pool = OFF
Link to Source camera files = ON
Use sizing information = ON (if you want Frameflex sizing to be used)
You should find that it will relink to the camera files originally used to create the proxy files.
thank you for the tips.....
.....the tape name shows up for sure...but no amount of trying will get that proxy file to relink in MC.....relinking with MC created proxies goes as expected.....
also...no setting i could find has a proxy file with alpha created correctly....all of them come in as flat, without an alpha channel....i tried the 3 settings dealing with alpha (none, straight, premultiplied) and nothing helped.....about to give up on Resolve as a proxy machine.....
Robert Martindale:the tape name shows up for sure...but no amount of trying will get that proxy file to relink in MC.....relinking with MC created proxies goes as expected
If you were to give the camera originals the same tape name as the proxies it should work. You can do this using the 'Modify' command on a batch of files.
Be aware that assigning a tape name in this way wipes out the 'Source File' column information.
I'm not sure OP Atom DNX files can carry apha channel info. Avid has always adopted splitting up video and audio into separate media when you import. So a camera file with four audio tracks ends up as five separate pieces of media in the mediafiles folders.
If I'm not mistaken, when you import media with alpha, Avid creates separate fill and alpha media, so Resolve would have to do the same thing and I've not seen anything in the output options that would suggest this is possible.
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