In Photoshop, to create a perfect circle, you hold shift while dragging.
Is there a way in AniMatte to do the same thing? No combination of Shift, Alt or Ctrl did the trick.
This is one of the limitations of the Animatte tool.
The only way I've been able to create a circle is using the brush tool as follows...
1) Select Brush tool
2) Under Brush Tools settings, select circular shape.
3) Use Size slider to select size of circle
4) draw the circle by briefly left-clicking on the drawing window. It's important you don't drag as you click.
5) You can adjust position and size of resulting circle using Selection Tool and Brush Size slider
It can be quite difficult to make it perfectly round, but I got it looking round enough for my purpose. You can check the roundness by using the Spin slider to check for symmetry. I've never got mine perfectly round using a mouse, but maybe with a pen and tablet?
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