Dear Avid Titler+
A belated Happy Birthday! Two months ago you turned five years old. Can you believe it? And what a tremendous five whole years it's been! From your first stable release in December 2018 to almost letting us highlight text where we're actually pointing in February 2024. It sure makes you think. Five years from now, who knows? Maybe you will even be able to cope with line spacing! Developing a tool that writes actual text can be incredibly challenging, but you sure are a product of five whole long years of intense development, and of course that's just after the first stable release.
Sure, some might say that Davinci Resolve has risen to become one of the most capable and revolutionary NLEs out there in the last five years, and sure, they managed to include a great title tool while doing it, but us Avid faithfuls know that none of that matters if you don't have stability. And that's you, Avid Titler+. When it feels like the world is falling down around us, we can always look to Avid Titler+ for stability. Imagine coming into work one day and not having to render a standard dissolve on a placeholder title card. The chaos that would ensue! But not you, Avid Titler+. You are like a warm blanket of familiarity, and have been for five whole years.
So don't you worry about us, Avid Titler+. Today is your day. I can finish these rolling credits in 2030, no problem.
Happy birthday, mate. Here's to another five years. π
Brings a tear to the eye. Time really flies when you're slamming your face mercilessly over and over in to your desk. HBD Titler+!
Have to admit...Titler+ is working for me...however, if you try to animate there can be glitches. Never tried a crawl.
But making basic lower thirds or splash pages with some extra elements worked just fine.
Curious...what about Titler+ is not working for you?
Just now I'm trying to highlight a word so I can make it bold. However if I start dragging my cursor from the right end of the word and pull to highlight it starts highlighting somewhere a word or two to the left, so to highlight the work I actually want to highlight I have to take a wild guess at somewhere to the right of the word and start dragging the cursor. This will usually take 3-4 tries before I can get the whole word highlighted. And because it doesn't understand basic formatting copy-pasted from elsewhere I can't just format the text in Word or Pages before copying and pasting, say, a list of end credits. So that's probably an hour I'm going to spend trying to correctly highlight names to make them bold under non-bold job titles. If I want to add an extra line of spacing between two job titles the tool will invariably insert a too big or too small spacing, so that does have to be done before copy-pasting the text. And then of course when all is said and done, even on a pretty powerful computer I still need to render every basic dissolve on a Titler+ effect in my sequence every time I move one by a couple of frames for the sequence to play properly.
All jokes aside I'm so past hearing that a better version is coming because that goes without bloody saying. What I want to know is how this could happen in the first place, because as someone who makes my livelyhood with Media Composer it's really quite concerning that something like this can pass quality testing and not get fixed in the first month, let alone within half a decade. It's all well and good to finally sort it out now, but to earn confidence back from their user base, Avid needs to explain what has happened and how they're ensuring it doesn't happen again.
Highlighting letters or words to make them bold underline, etc. works fine here.
Can't speak to the copy/paste from Word...never tried it.
Moved a dissolve and it did not need to be rendered to playback.
Are you working in 4k or above? Tests here are in HD 1080p.
Two projects going.
One DNxHD SQ on a HP workstation in a London post production house. Keep needing to render basic dissolves on titles over video.
On another project—DNxHR LB on an M2 Macbook—I get this:
ripvanmarlowe: Brings a tear to the eye. Time really flies when you're slamming your face mercilessly over and over in to your desk. HBD Titler+! Andi
Robert Davis CEO/Creative Director
Davis Advertising, Inc.
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On occasion, when the Titler wont change a bold, underline, etc. changing the font and changing it back will sometimes wake it up.
basically....we should all just ignore Titler+ and every other titling program baked into an NLE....and learn to use Titler Pro from New Blue....then all the titles work across many diffeent NLEs and of course, it is Win or Mac.
This would allow any freelancer, etc. to move titles among lots of hosts....avid, resolve, premiere and more. Then, just create your titles once and you can use them anywhere.
A no brainer.
Robert Martindale: basically....we should all just ignore Titler+ and every other titling program baked into an NLE....and learn to use Titler Pro from New Blue....then all the titles work across many diffeent NLEs and of course, it is Win or Mac. This would allow any freelancer, etc. to move titles among lots of hosts....avid, resolve, premiere and more. Then, just create your titles once and you can use them anywhere. A no brainer.
I trust what Marianna says always and I am sure Titler + will be great eventually. But a 3rd party titler will never work, is unecessary and is impractical over much of professional collaborative work. I can tell you 95% + of all editors, here in broadcast, which is fortunately or not mostly PC and still HD, are using classic Titler still. And have been using much more Marquee again (a 32bit application from the 90s), for anything fancier, because Titler + does not work currently. I've had to re-acquaint myself with it, when I have onlined and graded shows.
All most editors ever wanted was classic Titler ported to 64bit and UHD; it is fast, easy, with alpha media that you can place quickly anywhere, with no rendering and suitable for the vast majority of offline work in TV. I really hope that the new Titler + when sorted can be made to work as straightforward, or be made to operate in such a mode too.
BTW the OP's post was a hoot to read
Thanks mercer for the vote of confidence.
The new implementation of Titler+ is on-track to be released mid-2024. Looks like Alpha might come as early as tomrorow or Friday.
The bulk of the fixes are being released in a forthcoming version, and subsequent releases will include more development as each additional feature and phase gets completed.
There will be a tech preview at NAB this year so those attending can see it in action.
[email protected]
so, the answer is the classic title tool and make professional lower thirds and other titles?
nah....if you need something that goes beyond those tools (and in my experience, they were never used except as a production tool) and crosses platforms and NLEs, then a third party program is the answer....
we all do realize marquee has not been upgraded in possibly a decade, yes? and is only HD?
Robert Martindale: we all do realize marquee has not been upgraded in possibly a decade, yes? and is only HD?
Actually, thanks to this from DStone, we all realize that Marquee can indeed create lovely sharp UHD-size alpha files:
Meanwhile, looking forward very much to the upcoming 2024 Titler+ !
couldn't say it any better than the stone man....
"Marquee is old, slow, and hasn't been updated in quite a while"
nice UHD tip, though.....
and, not available on the Mac...
Robert Martindale:nah....if you need something that goes beyond those tools (and in my experience, they were never used except as a production tool) and crosses platforms and NLEs, then a third party program is the answer....
No one, I know of here, is using New Blue Titler, professionally in broadcast, for example... and yes my point was they have had to resort to an old program, Marquee, until Avid sort Titler+; and we are indeed still on HD here, anyway.
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