After starting Avid, my Quadro RTX 4000 graphics card works all the time with a load of 98-100% and nothing is done at this time, no renderings or other activities. The card is obviously set to maximum performance. CPU load is a few percent. I cannot determine how long this has been happening because the card works very quietly.
I would like to add that during transcode clips, the graphics card load drops to 0%, the card temperature drops to 60 C, after the transcode is finished, the graphics card load returns to 98-100% and the temperature increases again to 83 C.
Are you by any chance using the new Scriptsync/Phrasefind AI features?
I've read that these are using CUDA to do the heavy lifting and the GPU utilisation can go up to very high levels.
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond.I keep doing various experiments, but I have absolutely no idea what the cause is.The card has been behaving correctly for the last 3 days, today I will run the project and it is 100%. Imagine I close the project, start another one without exiting Avid and go back to the originally launched project and the load is 0%.Take into account that I test without doing anything in Avid.In Poland we have such a term - Russian circus.
Dzien dobry!!
Have a look into my post here: PhraseFind AI & Script Sync AI GPU acceleration - Avid Community
PhraseFind is definitely indexing your project. If your system has a CUDA-compatible GPU, it will use all of that processing to create the PhraseFind database. In the past, this was done with the CPU, which took away CPU power from decoding DNxHR on playback.
You could pause PhraseFind phonetic indexing or leave your system for a while to give it time to index.
I created feature request: MCCET-5330 Pause Phonetic indexing while playing back a sequence
But as Media Composer doesn't use much of the GPU during playback in the first place, this isn't a big concern.
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