Hi, I'm able to build the example feature-pack with the Visual Code Extention App Creator Tool.
And can import the feature-pack into mediacentral.
But the install of the feature-pack doesn't show any progress.
I have added the app to the Seller Portal
Did fillin the Application ID into the project properties
Did fillin Application Secret into the project properties
[root@mediacentral avid]# avidctl feature-pack import videopass.zip
Temporary artifact dir: /tmp/feature-import/feature-DmRYQZJGdv
Extract feature pack file: videopass.zip
Feature: videopass Version: 0.0.1
Import Docker Images, please be patient (videopass-0.0.1-images.tar)...
Loaded image: local/videopass/videopass:0.0.1
The push refers to repository [localhost:30135/videopass/videopass]
9fc0aa14e6b7: Layer already exists
baacf561cfff: Layer already exists
0.0.1: digest: sha256:19322ec47377b613906015268f405ca92b379c8ec1554177f75c6a13f7a371b3 size: 737
Copy Charts file: videopass-0.0.1.tgz
Recreate Chart Repo Index: /var/lib/registry/data/charts
Feature Pack import was successful
[root@mediacentral avid]# avidctl feature install --feature avid-releases/videopass --version=0.0.1 --name videopass
Config files used for the deployment:
--- No reponse here ---
Hello Adri,
to run your CloudUX App you need the appropriate license on your MediaCentral system. For development systems you can request a generic developer license, valid for 30 days. For production systems you need to register your App with Avid, then request a license for MediaCentral that includes your App.
Please contact [email protected] for the licenses.
Best Regards,Tilman
Thanks Tilman, when I use -v --trace I can see that the feature-pack was installed.
I also see the package in Kubernetes Dashboard and it's running fine.
I don't see it as source in the plugin folder and as tab in the MediaCental webpage.
Therefor I need a extra license or is there something else I need to do?
Thanks, Adri
sudo avidctl feature install --feature avid-releases/videopass --version=0.0.1 --name videopass -v --trace --force
Console output
[DEBUG] Helm command: helm repo update
[DEBUG] Helm command: helm list --all --short
[DEBUG] Helm command: helm status --output json videopass
[DEBUG] Helm command: helm upgrade videopass avid-releases/videopass --install --set global.image_registry=localhost:30135 --namespace default --version 0.0.1 --values /etc/avid/config/auth.yaml --values /etc/avid/config/cert.yaml --values /etc/avid/config/pam.yaml --values /etc/avid/config/search.yaml --values /etc/avid/config/site-key.yaml --devel --create-namespace
The proper license for your MediaCentral system is required in order to use your CloudUX App. A 30-day generic developer license for development systems can be requested. When requesting a MediaCentral license that contains your app, you must first register your app with Avid for production systems.
geometry dash
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