I'm having this horrible issue where my timeline/source record/viewer won't play. I try spacebar or the play button, it freezes. I trash the site settings and maybe it will work but I might have to do it 3x. Restarting my avid seems to cause it all over again. I've recreated my settings from scratch. I'm on verison 22.4 and I'm on OS 12.3.1 (tho I see a 12.4 update I'm hesitant to install). Mac Mini 2018
3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4. I've called support several times but they never answer.
My footage is on an external gdrive and is ingested dnx36 (or LB as they call it nowadays).
Before anyone blames my RAM I do not use any other applications on my Avid at all, not even internet and it seems to happen regardless.
Anyone else have ideas?
What I/O are you using (if at all). If you are using one, what happens if you disable it?
I'm having the exact same issue. I recently upgraded to 2022.4.0.56108.0 and Monterey 12.4 running on 2019 MacbookPro, in hopes of fixing some bugs, but now I just have a whole slew of new ones.
So far what seems to work to get it playing again is just clicking on the window of another app, like Safari, then when I go back to Avid it plays again. Sometimes it takes a couple tries. Hope that works for you too.
So I spent a long 5 hours over the course of 2 days with Avid tech support. I did confirm that Monterey 12.4 is NOT supported as of 05/25/2022, so you may need to downgrade. What ended up being a solution was going into settings/site and then unchecking these two boxes in the attached screen shot.
Thanks so much for this. I'm having similar issues on 12.4. Keyboard shortcuts seem to work but everything concerning the source/record monitor button gui wasn't responding.
I'm having the exact issue with no playback when I press the spacebar/play buttons.
I read on another thread to pause Phonetic Indexing (In the Find window), but that did not solve my issue. Yesterday, after I trashed my MCState files, it resumed playing and I was finally able to edit. However, I opened up the project today and we're back to no playback.
Restarting Avid or the computer doesn't change anything.
Lately I have tried toggling the HW/SW button on/off. Sometimes that will help resume playback. But more often, what happens after I enable it, is the play button in the Composer window turns green while the video doesn't play--but the audio meter shows audio levels moving around as if the timeline was playing.
My media cache settings are:Video Memory: 32GB (out of 64 max)File Cache: 32GB (out of 64 max)I have toggled the Enable Playback Video Frame Cache and the Enable FX Editing Video Frame Cache both on and off - no change.Thumbnail and source browser caches are set to local destination, while I am cutting off of two external hard drives with DNxSQ.
I am running MediaComposer 2012.12.2.
I was on macOS Monterey 12.4 when the issue first started happening. I have since downgraded to Big Sur 11.6.7 to troubleshoot but the issue still exists. Ideally I would stay on Monterey 12.0 since that is officially supported, but I could not find the installer for 12.0 anywhere online.
I am on an Intel Mac Mini (2018), 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 64GB, Intel UHD Graphics 630.
I am using 2 monitors, one through Thunderbolt-DP and another is HDMI-HDMI.
Any thoughts?
I am also on an Intel Mac Mini - Avid support told me it is supported. The only thing I've found that helps the problem no keep happening is un-installing and reinstalling Avid when it does happen, completely fresh user settings (not even importing and old keyboard) and never restarting my computer for some reason. It's maddening!
Is it just not playing, or are you (all of you) getting beachballs/hangs?
No error messages, no beachball just won't play when you hit spacebar or the play button.
No external hardware, just 2 moniitors. We've tried disabling one, didin't help.
Uninstalling then reinstalling MC is the one thing that sometimes fixes the issue for me too, before it reverts back to not playing a couple days later.
There is no beach ball. When I press spacebar/play, the green arrow turns green, but the footage does not actually play. Picture looks frozen. Sometimes if I pause and unpause a few times in nearby regions, it will then play upon pressing the spacebar.
Just wanted to share my latest findings. The playback issue occurs whenever I have more than one external hard drive plugged into my Mac Mini. It doesn't matter if there are Avid MediaFiles on the other drive or not. This seems to freak out Avid. I've also noticed Avid seizes control over all my other video/audio as long as I have MC open. I'm not able to hear anything on Spotify, Soundly, Chrome, etc. Anybody have thoughts on what could be causing these issues?
I’m having the same issue and it’s driving crazy! I’ve gone through the usual troubleshooting checklist: restart the app, restart the machine, new user settings, new project, reinstall the app - yet still the issue persists. It’s totally sporadic too. There isn't a single trigger, that I am able to pinpoint. It also doesn’t seem to matter how many drives are connected, which drive media is on, etc.
The only way I’ve been able to get around this is by literally hitting play/pause (space bar or L/K keys) in succession between 5-8 keystrokes. So literally: [space bar], [space bar], [space bar], [space bar], [space bar], [space bar], [space bar]. Somewhere in there, it will play again. CRAZYYYYYYY!!!!
Also noticing the takeover of system audio as mentioned above. This seems to be a separate software issue/bug as I do not have any hardware connected and it only happens when MC is open.
Titler+ is still awful.
System Specs:
MacPro 6,1
macOS Montery 12.6.2
3.7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5
128 GB RAM
AMD FirePro D300 2 GB
MC 2022.12.0
Try a different keyboard and mouse. I've seen more than one instance of them causing mayhem.
Using MC 23.12. Win 22H2 Avid FX6.4, Vegas Pro 20/ DVD Architect 6pro, DVDit6.4proHD, CCE Basic, TmpGe Express4, TmpGe Authoring Works 4, DVDLab-Studio. Sony EX-1R, Canon XH-A1, GL2, GL1, Canon EOS 60D
Follow link to trash and rebuild site settings:
https://avid.secure.force.com/pkb/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting/How-could-I-delete-Site-settings-files-on-Windows? MAC:
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