Hi there,
Running a plug-in app going to localhost gives me this error on chrome:
I mostly ignore this error but the plug-in has been crashing and Media Central constantly reports a"NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" error to the console. I want to rule this out as the source of the crash. How do I fix this problem?
Wanted to add more info about the crash and the error. The crashes only seem to happen after the plug-in sends and receives data from an external API I wrote. As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with the response, Media Central does not report any react specific errors. Just as the proxy server crashes, Media Central reports "NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" errors from the plug-in's attempts to make GET calls to https://localhost/auth/tokens/current or https://localhost/app/1c2dea9539283e7ba4e3.hot-update.json.
I think I've found the cause. The localhost certificate used by cloudux-starter-kit does not have a "Subject Alternative Name" as chrome reports in the screenshot I posted. This causes chrome to block all calls to https://localhost, this then crashes the proxy server. A solution that works is setting the #allow-insecure-localhost chrome flag to enable which "Allows requests to localhost over HTTPS even when an invalid certificate is presented". It does not feel like a safe option so I would still like to know if there is a better solution to this problem.
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