Just wondering what people are experiencing running 2021.12 on Intel Macs.
I'm running top of the line 2015 and 2019 iMacs (32GG and 128GB ram respectively) on Big Sur 11.5.2 and I'm hoping to gather enough Intel intel (ha ha) to accomplish an upgrade to 2021.12 and Mac OS Monterey 12.1 this week. A lot of reports are naturally about how 2021.12 is functioning on M1 systems, but thus far little's out there about Intel.
For what it's worth, I have upgraded an older (non work) laptop to Monterey 12.1 and find it buttery smooth compared to Big Sur (and certainly Catalina.)
+1 I'm curious too.
I've been running 2021.12 on Mojave 10.14.6 for about a week and have not experienced any issues so far. Seems to be pretty solid.
A few days ago I created a new partition on my 2019 iMac (see specs below) and did a clean install of Monterey 12.1, Avid 2021.12 and a whack of other software.
NO issues to date. In fact, it feels snappier, smoother and is definitely more stable.
I'm on a 64Gb 2020 Intel MBP with the 5600M 8Gb GPU. MC 2021.9 was running fine for me under OS 11.6.1, but when I updated to 2021.12, I immediately experienced beachballing after every single operation. After an unsuccessul support conversation which brought no improvement, I uninstalled .12 and reinstalled .9. No more beachballing. Having fixed my immediate problem I am now contemplating the update to Monterey as I see some reports that .12 may work better there, though it's just anecdotal. Like my own, I suppose.
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