Hello team,
We are finishing MOS HTML5 integration with iNEWS and one doubt arose when configuring system.html-plugins.
The system.html-plugins has a standard configuration as follows (mandatory parameters):
URL = Plugin URL
mosItemBrowserProgID = Name of the MOS plugin’s browser.
mosItemPlayerProgID = Name of the MOS plugin’s player.
mosItemEditorProgID = Name of the MOS plugin’s editor.
URL is working just fine as the plugin opens a HTML5 frame in iNews however not sure what those mosItems parameters are for. From the third party vendor we only have the MOS ID but not those mosItem values.
Can anyone provide some info about these mosItem fields that are compulsory in the the config file?
Thanks in advance and kind regards,
The information configured is used to launch the selected mos item back into the plugin, like when you double-clicking the mos item. In the mos item, there are the tags <mosItemBrowserProgID>, <mosItemPlayerProgID> and <mosItemEditorProgID>, and the data in the tag with be used to check against what is configured, if there is a match, then the corresponding plugin will be launched with the selected mos item. Please note that ActiveX plugin takes priority over html5 plugin.
Thanks leung for your reply and happy new year!
The third party connector added up these three fields <mosItemBrowserProgID>, <mosItemPlayerProgID> and <mosItemEditorProgID> with a specific value that matches the mosID to the information sent to iNews MOS server and it works.
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