Hola a todos.
¿Alguno está usando ColourLab.ai? ¿Ha logrado que este programa cargue un AAF generador desde Media Composer?
Jailer R.
No por mi lado.
* last cfg * Media Composer 2023.3 * MC | PM 2021.3 * MC | Cloud UX 2021.7 * MC | NM 2021.7 * MC | PM Archive 2021.2 * MC | PS 2021.3. ACSR Media | Composer - ACSR | Nexis - ACSR | Production Management
Hi Jailer, it's a very good point!
I thins Colourlab could increase the speed on a lot of tv shows grading. I've not used it yet, but I can give you some advice. In practice you can import an AAF timeline into Colourlab AI (only mac for now). AAF works in both Stndard and Advanced color pipeline. You get back into AVID with .ale and only if you use Standard color pipeline.
I can tell you more as soon as I'll try it.
Their support literally replied to me as follows (I don't know how true this is):
Avid's architecture is antiquated and they have no intention of updating it to allow integration with external software. Four years ago we started a collaboration with them, but they would have had to improve and modernize the backbone of their program. They promised it but never implemented it.
I bought a very early license of Colourlab, it's no surprise to me that it doesn't integrate with Avid. Resolve, FCPX, Premiere? Yes. Avid? No. Despite the fact that Avid seems to love farming out more complex tasks to third parties like Boris, a colour correction plugin like Colourlab would be a no-brainer considering how poor Symphony is. It would also be an excellent middleground between Symph and Baselight.
Despite banging on about it for an eternity, no one from Avid ever mentions Symphony updates or even if there is ANYTHING being done to it at all. Dave C even said something was going to be happening in a post in Nov 2022 but turns out that was more hot air. It's so frustrating to see no new updates, release after release and then when something like ColourLab comes along which could really elevate your workflows, it can't be supported because of Avid's creaky architecture.
And apologies for not replying in Spanish!
Disculpas por no responder en español!
Aqui esta la respuesta de Andi traducida.
Gracias y Saludos Andi.
Compré una licencia muy temprana de Colourlab, no me sorprende que no se integre con Avid. ¿Resolve, FCPX, Premiere? Sí. ¿Avid? No. A pesar de que Avid parece amar externalizar tareas más complejas a terceros como Boris, un plugin de corrección de color como Colourlab sería una opción obvia considerando lo deficiente que es Symphony. También sería un excelente punto intermedio entre Symphony y Baselight.
A pesar de insistir en ello durante una eternidad, nadie de Avid menciona nunca actualizaciones de Symphony o siquiera si se está haciendo ALGO con él. Dave C incluso dijo que algo iba a suceder en una publicación en noviembre de 2022, pero resulta que eso fue más aire caliente. Es tan frustrante ver que no hay nuevas actualizaciones, versión tras versión, y luego cuando algo como ColourLab aparece, lo cual realmente podría elevar tus flujos de trabajo, no puede ser compatible debido a la arquitectura obsoleta de Avid.
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