I am trying to use some footage shot with a Panasonic HVX200 on P2cards. It's the first time I try this. I created a new project and a new folder and AMA linked the footage on the P2 card. The clips appear inside the project, but cannot play. If I try to play only an extremely blurred and pixellated image appears (see image attached). The footage itself is of course not the issue, as I tried to play it in VLC directly from the card and looks normal. I have no idea what could be determining this. I would really appreciate some help.
Thank you!
The image you posted looks like it could be a low resolution .BMP from the ICON folder (within the P2 Contents folder). Try linking again, this time drilling down directly to the.MXF files in the VIDEO folder to see if the quality improves. Not sure, but you may have to link to your audio tracks separately since those are in a separate AUDIO folder.
hi rita gama,
did you install the p2_ama_plugin?
look here:
good luck
peace from germany
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