Hello,We have a littlee problem with Duration and Start attributes for 59.94p or 50p assets.
Let say that we have a 59.94p Subclip created in a MediaComposer 1080p/59.94 project. Its duration is 529 frames.
After checking it in Interplay, we read its attributes through the Interplay WebServices GetAttributes function.
If the project TC Display Format is set to 60fps, we get the following values : FPS 59.94, Duration 00;00;08;49 Start 00;11;16;41
If the project TC Display Format is set to 30fps, we get : FPS 59.94 Duration 00;00;08;25 Start 00;11;16;20
wich is consistent.
But if we don't know what is the project TC Display Format, we are not able to know (in the 2nd case) if the real duration is 530 or 505 frames.
Is there any way to know the project TC Display Format through Interplay WebServices ?
Is it possible to get Duration and Start in frames rather than in timecode format ?
Hi Gregor,
This might partially help - to get around a similar issue with clip length, we extract with IPWS the system metadata "_QM_TRACK_INFO" from which we parse out the various available tracks and durations in frames:
GetAttributes allows you to read metadata set by others from the PAM database.
For Project TC my understanding is that you're looking for the system format attribute.
You could also use the attribute mentioned above by Rich.
Aidditionally you could create subclips with IPWS which accepts frame values for offset and length
Thanks Vadym, but the Format attribute gives information about the asset (eg 720p/59.94 or 1920x1080p/59.94), not about the project where the asset come from.
Is it possible to have a list of "secrets" attributes such as the one given by Rich ? They are neither listed in the IPWS documentation, nor in the Interplay Administrator Property layout.
I located this particular and some other useful properties using Interplay Access - selecting the asset - right click - and then using "Advance GET/SET Properties". The limitation is that this shows only attributes assigned to this asset. For example, _OMM_MOB_COMPLETE is only attached to clips that are created with EWC. I do agree that, if possible, a list of all possible "special" attributes would be helpful. Knowing that these property names are stable would be a good thing too.
Best regards,
Thanks Rich,
I didnt know this attribute...
You can also obtain the duration in frames via the GetSegmentsFromComposition IPWS request.
So, our problem is mainly the Start (which value, 00;11;16;41 or 00;11;16;20) depends of the project TC Display Format.
Asset may belong to multiple projects at the same time. MediaComposer does not store this as a part of an asset metadata.
Additionally the attributes mentioned are application specific custom attributes. You could see all custom attributes using Interplay Access as mentioned. Nevertheless custom attributes are not guaranteed to be present on all assets.
So, there is no way to know if the Start attribute is expressed in 30fps or 60 fps ... and no way to get it in frames.
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