Isn't a Film Fade, Ending at cut, supposed to fade to black, ending at the cut point ... i always get a dissolve into the next video clip. But for that I would select dissolve.
Best ulrich
A Film Fade is just a dissolve with a bit of a ramping of transition speed. I think what you're looking for is Fade To Color.
hmm... what I'm defientely looking for, is fade to black ending at cut.
So what is Film Fade vs Film dissolve. A dissolve blends two images.. a fade - well - should fade out, I'd say. Dont see any difference betweent the two . And what's the point of the setting Ending at Cut if it blends with the next image
fade to color does fade to black,Ending at Cut. thanks. is that color changeable.
Ulrich Thomsen:fade to color does fade to black,Ending at Cut. thanks. is that color changeable.
Yes. In the effect editor window, you change the color the effect dips to with the background parameter.
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Carl Amoscato | Freelance Film & Video Editor | London, UK
And once you have the fade configured as you need. Save the effect preset to a bin so you can use it in the future.
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Ulrich Thomsen: Hi Isn't a Film Fade, Ending at cut, supposed to fade to black, ending at the cut point ... i always get a dissolve into the next video clip. But for that I would select dissolve. Best ulrich
If you have at least one frame of filler between your video clips, you'll get the desired effect with 'ending at cut point' selected.
thnaks the answers.
I'm still curious as to the difference between Film Fade and Film dissolve.
unless I put filler between two clips.. which is a weird way of thinking in order to use a simple fade, though Fade to color does the trick
Film fade is film dissolve with the second input is a black frame.
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