I am trying to check in a headframe along with the aaf with no results. I get the server fault with no detail info. I am using the code below along with the code found on this forum to check in an aaf in C++ with gsoap. Can a headframe be checked in along with the aaf or does this have to be done seperately?
//working code to check in aaf with ns2__CheckInAAFType theCheckin
//add headframe not working if (headframePath.size() > 0) { //get headframe file name fs::path hp = headframePath; std::string headfilename = hp.filename().string(); // read the file and copy the data into a buffer std::ifstream headinput( headframePath, std::ios::binary ); std::vector<unsigned char> headbuffer((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(headinput)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>())); std::string hcid = "cid:"; //get the begining of the id std::string hcidName = hcid + headfilename; //add the filename std::vector<char> hc(hcidName.begin(), hcidName.end()); hc.push_back('\0'); char* headfileID = &hc[0]; //convert string to char* xsd__base64Binary hframe; hframe.id = headfileID; hframe.__size = headbuffer.size(); hframe.__ptr = &headbuffer.front(); theCheckin.Headframe = &hframe; }
Headframe can be added both ways, with the AAF or separately whichever suits you better.
Some extra error information can be retrieved from the WebServices server logs. Please provide message dump and logs for review.
Also you may use other tools e.g. soapUI in designing/debugging SOAP requests and to verify that it works as it provides easy view of the raw messages.
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