Is there a relativity simple way to cut a figure out of a background so as to be able to paste this human figure over another background? Too late to re-shoot, just have to fix it. Thanks!
No simple way I know of. You can try AniMatte. If it's a still figure it'll be easier than a moving figure. If it moves, you're going to have to adjust frame by frame.
Don't know what tools you have in reach, but if it's a still shot Roto is relatively simple.
If it's moving video, and you have access to After Effects, this is the tool:
Terence Curren Alpha Dogs, Inc.
Burbank, Ca
And if you have enough separation of either color or luminance, and you have Boris Continuum Complete plugins:
If the figure is moving, but the camera is locked off, and you have BCC, you can try in the BCC Two Input effects, COMPOSITE TR, with the Apply mode set to Difference.
There is a good tutorial on:
It's a few years old, but hopefully still there.
Where would I find Roto? Is it a BCC or Avid effect? Thanks for the advice.
The only "roto" in Avid is the animatte effect and you will be doing it frame by frame.
After Effects has the roto brush which is pretty amazing when it works.
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