My AMT version is 2.2 . When I use " ImportIntoInterplay" to import AmtClip, there will failed if I use a chinese interplay path to the param "interplay_uri". e.g "interplay://Vip/Projects/中文". If I have no chinese, eg. "interplay://Vip/Projects/chinese", there will succeed. I want to know if AMT support unicode ? How Can I import it to chinese path ?
Your AMT version is out of date. Current version is 2.12.3. Please apply with Avid to get the new version.
Unicode is not supported in AMT ver2, but you should be able to get AAFs imported into Interplay directly through Interplay WebServices. IPWS supports UTF-8.
Hi Vadym,
My steps like this:
1.Search a video file.
2.Get the raw data.
3.use AMT's "CreateAmtFile" to create AMT file.
4.use AMT's "WriteAmtTrackSample" to write buffer.
5.use AMT's "ImportToInterplay" to import to interplay.
Am I create AAFs after step 4? How to create AAFs? Am I through AMT to create that? Is there any function to do that?
Am I change step 5 to import into interplay through WS's "CheckInAAF" function?
Thank you very much
I'd recommend using CreateAmtFileOnSharedStorage call in step 3 or CreateAmtInterplayClip in step 3 and GetUpdatedAaf in step 5.
With the first option you'll be able to write MXF files into creating folder on ISIS directly then checkin complete AAF through WS when files are moved out of creating folder.
For the second option you'll be able to get intermediate AAFs and check them in sequentially which will give you EWC support.
For the existing workflow in step 5 copy MXF files into Creating folder on ISIS then move them out into desired folder instead. Then Checkin AAF file that you have in AMT Archive folder. Then update status from MI manually for the asset to update MXF filemobs to correct ones.
It's worked. I have imported it successed.
Thank you very much.
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