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Avid’s Commitment to Sibelius

Only published comments... Jul 23 2012, 12:00 AM by Martin Kloiber
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Dear Sibelius Community,


I’ve been following closely the outpouring of concern on forums and social media about Avid’s commitment to Sibelius. It’s clear that many people are deeply worried about the future development of the application given that Avid has announced plans to close the Finsbury Park office, subject to employee consultations, where the majority of the development had taken place.


There is nothing more important to our success as a company than the passion and commitment of our users, so I hope an explanation of our decision can help increase your understanding as we make this transition.


First and foremost, I want to personally give my assurance that Avid is deeply committed to developing Sibelius moving forward. Our plan is to integrate Sibelius development more closely with the rest of Avid's audio development teams in California, and I’m confident we can leverage our innovative development teams and continue to raise the bar in the future.


We understand that music professionals worldwide have come to rely on Sibelius, and we fully intend to continue to develop and innovate the software line. We are very aware that this community has a special relationship with the Sibelius development team, and that relationship is just as important now as it ever was. We plan on working closely together with the professional community of Sibelius users to develop the world’s best notation program.


I know that the passion currently being expressed by users is a testament both to the hard work and to the dedication of the Finsbury Park development team. We soon hope to be able to share more specifics as we continue with the transition. We appreciate everyone's patience until we are able to make those announcements.


I look forward to reading your comments, and for your continued support moving forward. We are committed to earning your continued respect with every future release of Sibelius.




Martin Kloiber
VP, Product & Solutions, Audio
Avid Technology, Inc.


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